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Version: 0.2.5
The Gesture Recognition Toolkit (GRT) is a cross-platform, open-source, c++ machine learning library for real-time gesture recognition.
CAdaBoost | |
CAdaBoostClassModel | |
CANBC_Model | |
CAngleMagnitude | |
CBAG | |
►CBernoulliRBM | |
CCholesky | |
CCircularBuffer | |
CClassificationData | |
CClassificationDataStream | |
CClassificationResult | |
CClassificationSample | This class stores the class label and raw data for a single labelled classification sample |
CClassifier | This is the main base class that all GRT Classification algorithms should inherit from |
CClassLabelAndTimer | |
CClassLabelChangeFilter | |
CClassLabelFilter | |
CClassLabelTimeoutFilter | |
CClassTracker | |
CClusterer | |
CClusterInfo | |
CClusterLevel | |
CClusterTree | |
CClusterTreeNode | |
CCommandLineParser | |
CContext | |
CContinuousHiddenMarkovModel | |
CDeadZone | Sets any values in the input signal that fall within the dead-zone region to zero. Any values outside of the dead-zone region will be offset by the dead zone's lower limit and upper limit |
CDebugLog | |
CDebugLogMessage | |
CDecisionStump | |
CDecisionTree | |
CDecisionTreeClusterNode | |
CDecisionTreeNode | |
CDecisionTreeThresholdNode | |
CDecisionTreeTripleFeatureNode | This class implements a DecisionTreeTripleFeatureNode, which is a specific type of node used for a DecisionTree |
CDerivative | Computes either the first or second order derivative of the input signal |
CDict | This class implements a flexible dictionary that supports multiple data types. Elements in the dictionary consist of key-value pairs, where keys are std::strings and values can be any data type, as they are stored as a GRT::DynamicType |
CDiscreteHiddenMarkovModel | |
CDoubleMovingAverageFilter | The class implements a Float moving average filter |
CDTW | |
CDTWTemplate | |
CDynamicType | |
CEigenvalueDecomposition | |
CEnvelopeExtractor | |
CErrorLog | |
CErrorLogMessage | |
CEvolutionaryAlgorithm | This class implements a template based EvolutionaryAlgorithm |
CException | |
CFastFourierTransform | |
CFeatureExtraction | |
CFFT | |
CFFTFeatures | |
CFileParser | |
CFiniteStateMachine | |
CFIRFilter | This class implements a Finite Impulse Response (FIR) Filter. It can support a low pass filter, high pass filter, or band pass filter |
CFSMParticle | |
CFSMParticleFilter | |
CGate | |
CGaussianMixtureModels | |
CGaussNeuron | |
CGestureRecognitionPipeline | |
CGMM | |
CGridSearch | |
CGridSearchParam | |
CGridSearchRange | This class implements a basic grid search algorithm |
Cgrt_numeric_limits | |
CGRTBase | |
CGuassModel | |
CHierarchicalClustering | |
CHighPassFilter | This class implements a High Pass Filter |
CHMM | This class acts as the main interface for using a Hidden Markov Model |
CHMMTrainingObject | |
CIndexDist | |
CIndexedDouble | |
CIndividual | |
CInfoLog | |
CInfoLogMessage | |
CKMeans | |
CKMeansFeatures | |
CKMeansQuantizer | |
CKNN | |
CLeakyIntegrator | Computes the following signal: y = y*z + x, where x is the input, y is the output and z is the leakrate |
CLinearLeastSquares | |
CLinearRegression | |
CLog | Base class for all GRT logging functionality |
CLogisticRegression | |
CLowPassFilter | The class implements a low pass filter, this is based on an Exponential moving average filter: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Exponential_smoothing |
CLUDecomposition | |
CMatrix | |
CMatrixFloat | |
CMeanShift | |
CMedianFilter | The MedianFilter implements a simple median filter: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Median_filter |
CMetrics | |
CMinDist | |
CMinDistModel | |
CMinMax | |
CMixtureModel | |
CMLBase | This is the main base class that all GRT machine learning algorithms should inherit from |
CMLP | |
CMovementDetector | |
CMovementIndex | |
CMovementTrajectoryFeatures | |
CMovingAverageFilter | The MovingAverageFilter implements a low pass moving average filter |
CMultidimensionalRegression | |
CNeuron | |
CNode | |
CObserver | |
CObserverManager | |
CParticle | |
CParticleClassifier | |
CParticleClassifierGestureTemplate | |
CParticleClassifierParticleFilter | |
CParticleFilter | |
CParticleSwarmOptimization | |
CPeakDetection | |
CPeakInfo | |
CPostProcessing | This is the main base class that all GRT PostProcessing algorithms should inherit from. A large number of the functions in this class are virtual and simply return false as these functions must be overwridden by the inheriting class |
CPreProcessing | |
CPrincipalComponentAnalysis | This class runs the Principal Component Analysis (PCA) algorithm, a dimensionality reduction algorithm that projects an [M N] matrix (where M==samples and N==dimensions) onto a new K dimensional subspace, where K is normally much less than N |
CPSOParticle | |
CRadialBasisFunction | |
CRandom | This file contains the Random class, a useful wrapper for generating cross platform random functions. This includes functions for uniform distributions (both integer and Float) and Gaussian distributions |
CRandomForests | |
CRangeTracker | |
CRBMQuantizer | |
CRegisterClassifierModule | This class provides an interface for classes to register themselves with the classifier base class, this enables Classifier algorithms to be automatically be created from just a string, e.g.: Classifier *knn = create( "KNN" ); |
CRegisterClustererModule | This class provides an interface for classes to register themselves with the clusterer base class, this enables Cluterer algorithms to be automatically be created from just a string, e.g.: Clusterer *kmeans = create( "KMeans" ); |
CRegisterContextModule | This class provides an interface for classes to register themselves with the Context base class, this enables Context algorithms to be automatically be created from just a string, e.g.: Context *gate = create( "Gate" ); |
CRegisterFeatureExtractionModule | |
CRegisterNode | |
CRegisterPostProcessingModule | |
CRegisterPreProcessingModule | This class provides an interface for classes to register themselves with the preprocessing base class, this enables PreProcessing algorithms to be automatically be created from just a string, e.g.: PreProcessing *lpf = create( "LowPassFilter" ); |
CRegisterRegressifierModule | This class provides an interface for classes to register themselves with the regressifier base class, this enables Regression algorithms to be automatically be created from just a string, e.g.: Regressifier *mlp = create( "MLP" ); |
CRegisterWeakClassifierModule | |
CRegressifier | |
CRegressionData | |
CRegressionSample | |
CRegressionTree | This class implements a basic Regression Tree |
CRegressionTreeNode | |
CRMSFilter | The RMSFilter implements a root mean squared (RMS) filter |
CSavitzkyGolayFilter | This implements a Savitzky-Golay filter. This code is based on the Savitzky Golay filter code from Numerical Recipes 3 |
CSelfOrganizingMap | |
CSoftmax | |
CSoftmaxModel | |
CSOMQuantizer | |
CSVD | |
CSVM | |
CSwipeDetector | This class implements a basic swipe detection classification algorithm |
CTestingLog | |
CTestingLogMessage | |
CTestInstanceResult | |
CTestResult | |
CTestResultsObserverManager | |
CThreadPool | |
CThresholdCrossingDetector | |
CTimeDomainFeatures | |
CTimer | |
CTimeseriesBuffer | |
CTimeSeriesClassificationData | |
CTimeSeriesClassificationSample | |
CTimeSeriesClassificationSampleTrimmer | |
CTimeSeriesPositionTracker | |
CTimeStamp | |
CTrainingDataRecordingTimer | |
CTrainingLog | |
CTrainingLogMessage | |
CTrainingResult | |
CTrainingResultsObserverManager | |
CTree | |
CUnlabelledData | |
CUtil | |
CVector | |
CVectorFloat | |
CWarningLog | |
CWarningLogMessage | |
CWeakClassifier | |
CWeightedAverageFilter | The WeightedAverageFilter implements a weighted average filter that gives a larger weight to more recent samples, and a smaller weight to older samples |
CZeroCrossingCounter |