GestureRecognitionToolkit  Version: 0.2.5
The Gesture Recognition Toolkit (GRT) is a cross-platform, open-source, c++ machine learning library for real-time gesture recognition.
DTW Class Reference
Inheritance diagram for DTW:
Classifier MLBase GRTBase Observer< TrainingResult > Observer< TestInstanceResult >

Public Types

- Public Types inherited from Classifier
typedef std::map< std::string, Classifier *(*)() > StringClassifierMap
- Public Types inherited from MLBase
enum  BaseType {

Public Member Functions

 DTW (bool useScaling=false, bool useNullRejection=false, Float nullRejectionCoeff=3.0, UINT rejectionMode=DTW::TEMPLATE_THRESHOLDS, bool dtwConstrain=true, Float radius=0.2, bool offsetUsingFirstSample=false, bool useSmoothing=false, UINT smoothingFactor=5, Float nullRejectionLikelihoodThreshold=0.99)
 DTW (const DTW &rhs)
virtual ~DTW (void)
DTWoperator= (const DTW &rhs)
virtual bool deepCopyFrom (const Classifier *classifier)
virtual bool train_ (TimeSeriesClassificationData &trainingData)
virtual bool predict_ (VectorFloat &inputVector)
virtual bool predict_ (MatrixFloat &timeSeries)
virtual bool reset ()
virtual bool clear ()
virtual bool save (std::fstream &file) const
virtual bool load (std::fstream &file)
virtual bool recomputeNullRejectionThresholds ()
UINT getNumTemplates () const
bool setRejectionMode (UINT rejectionMode)
bool setNullRejectionThreshold (Float nullRejectionLikelihoodThreshold)
bool setOffsetTimeseriesUsingFirstSample (bool offsetUsingFirstSample)
bool setContrainWarpingPath (bool constrain)
bool setWarpingRadius (Float radius)
UINT getRejectionMode () const
bool enableZNormalization (bool useZNormalization, bool constrainZNorm=true)
bool enableTrimTrainingData (bool trimTrainingData, Float trimThreshold, Float maximumTrimPercentage)
Vector< DTWTemplategetModels () const
bool setModels (Vector< DTWTemplate > newTemplates)
Vector< VectorFloatgetInputDataBuffer () const
const Vector< MatrixFloat > & getDistanceMatrices () const
const Vector< Vector< IndexDist > > & getWarpingPaths () const
- Public Member Functions inherited from Classifier
 Classifier (const std::string &classifierId="")
virtual ~Classifier (void)
bool copyBaseVariables (const Classifier *classifier)
virtual bool computeAccuracy (const ClassificationData &data, Float &accuracy)
std::string getClassifierType () const
bool getSupportsNullRejection () const
bool getNullRejectionEnabled () const
Float getNullRejectionCoeff () const
Float getMaximumLikelihood () const
Float getBestDistance () const
Float getPhase () const
Float getTrainingSetAccuracy () const
virtual UINT getNumClasses () const
UINT getClassLabelIndexValue (const UINT classLabel) const
UINT getPredictedClassLabel () const
VectorFloat getClassLikelihoods () const
VectorFloat getClassDistances () const
VectorFloat getNullRejectionThresholds () const
Vector< UINT > getClassLabels () const
Vector< MinMaxgetRanges () const
bool enableNullRejection (const bool useNullRejection)
virtual bool setNullRejectionCoeff (const Float nullRejectionCoeff)
virtual bool setNullRejectionThresholds (const VectorFloat &newRejectionThresholds)
bool getTimeseriesCompatible () const
Classifiercreate () const
 GRT_DEPRECATED_MSG ("createNewInstance is deprecated, use create instead.", Classifier *createNewInstance() const )
 GRT_DEPRECATED_MSG ("createInstanceFromString is deprecated, use create instead.", static Classifier *createInstanceFromString(const std::string &id))
ClassifierdeepCopy () const
const ClassifiergetClassifierPointer () const
const ClassifiergetBaseClassifier () const
- Public Member Functions inherited from MLBase
 MLBase (const std::string &id="", const BaseType type=BASE_TYPE_NOT_SET)
virtual ~MLBase (void)
bool copyMLBaseVariables (const MLBase *mlBase)
virtual bool train (ClassificationData trainingData)
virtual bool train_ (ClassificationData &trainingData)
virtual bool train (RegressionData trainingData)
virtual bool train_ (RegressionData &trainingData)
virtual bool train (RegressionData trainingData, RegressionData validationData)
virtual bool train_ (RegressionData &trainingData, RegressionData &validationData)
virtual bool train (TimeSeriesClassificationData trainingData)
virtual bool train (ClassificationDataStream trainingData)
virtual bool train_ (ClassificationDataStream &trainingData)
virtual bool train (UnlabelledData trainingData)
virtual bool train_ (UnlabelledData &trainingData)
virtual bool train (MatrixFloat data)
virtual bool train_ (MatrixFloat &data)
virtual bool predict (VectorFloat inputVector)
virtual bool predict (MatrixFloat inputMatrix)
virtual bool map (VectorFloat inputVector)
virtual bool map_ (VectorFloat &inputVector)
virtual bool print () const
virtual bool save (const std::string &filename) const
virtual bool load (const std::string &filename)
 GRT_DEPRECATED_MSG ("saveModelToFile(std::string filename) is deprecated, use save(const std::string &filename) instead", virtual bool saveModelToFile(const std::string &filename) const )
 GRT_DEPRECATED_MSG ("saveModelToFile(std::fstream &file) is deprecated, use save(std::fstream &file) instead", virtual bool saveModelToFile(std::fstream &file) const )
 GRT_DEPRECATED_MSG ("loadModelFromFile(std::string filename) is deprecated, use load(const std::string &filename) instead", virtual bool loadModelFromFile(const std::string &filename))
 GRT_DEPRECATED_MSG ("loadModelFromFile(std::fstream &file) is deprecated, use load(std::fstream &file) instead", virtual bool loadModelFromFile(std::fstream &file))
virtual bool getModel (std::ostream &stream) const
virtual std::string getModelAsString () const
DataType getInputType () const
DataType getOutputType () const
BaseType getType () const
UINT getNumInputFeatures () const
UINT getNumInputDimensions () const
UINT getNumOutputDimensions () const
UINT getMinNumEpochs () const
UINT getMaxNumEpochs () const
UINT getBatchSize () const
UINT getNumRestarts () const
UINT getValidationSetSize () const
UINT getNumTrainingIterationsToConverge () const
Float getMinChange () const
Float getLearningRate () const
Float getRMSTrainingError () const
 GRT_DEPRECATED_MSG ("getRootMeanSquaredTrainingError() is deprecated, use getRMSTrainingError() instead", Float getRootMeanSquaredTrainingError() const )
Float getTotalSquaredTrainingError () const
Float getRMSValidationError () const
Float getValidationSetAccuracy () const
VectorFloat getValidationSetPrecision () const
VectorFloat getValidationSetRecall () const
bool getUseValidationSet () const
bool getRandomiseTrainingOrder () const
bool getTrained () const
 GRT_DEPRECATED_MSG ("getModelTrained() is deprecated, use getTrained() instead", bool getModelTrained() const )
bool getConverged () const
bool getScalingEnabled () const
bool getIsBaseTypeClassifier () const
bool getIsBaseTypeRegressifier () const
bool getIsBaseTypeClusterer () const
bool getTrainingLoggingEnabled () const
bool getTestingLoggingEnabled () const
bool enableScaling (const bool useScaling)
bool setMaxNumEpochs (const UINT maxNumEpochs)
bool setBatchSize (const UINT batchSize)
bool setMinNumEpochs (const UINT minNumEpochs)
bool setNumRestarts (const UINT numRestarts)
bool setMinChange (const Float minChange)
bool setLearningRate (const Float learningRate)
bool setUseValidationSet (const bool useValidationSet)
bool setValidationSetSize (const UINT validationSetSize)
bool setRandomiseTrainingOrder (const bool randomiseTrainingOrder)
bool setTrainingLoggingEnabled (const bool loggingEnabled)
bool setTestingLoggingEnabled (const bool loggingEnabled)
bool registerTrainingResultsObserver (Observer< TrainingResult > &observer)
bool registerTestResultsObserver (Observer< TestInstanceResult > &observer)
bool removeTrainingResultsObserver (const Observer< TrainingResult > &observer)
bool removeTestResultsObserver (const Observer< TestInstanceResult > &observer)
bool removeAllTrainingObservers ()
bool removeAllTestObservers ()
bool notifyTrainingResultsObservers (const TrainingResult &data)
bool notifyTestResultsObservers (const TestInstanceResult &data)
MLBasegetMLBasePointer ()
const MLBasegetMLBasePointer () const
Vector< TrainingResultgetTrainingResults () const
- Public Member Functions inherited from GRTBase
 GRTBase (const std::string &id="")
virtual ~GRTBase (void)
bool copyGRTBaseVariables (const GRTBase *GRTBase)
 GRT_DEPRECATED_MSG ("getClassType is deprecated, use getId() instead!", std::string getClassType() const )
std::string getId () const
std::string getLastWarningMessage () const
std::string getLastErrorMessage () const
std::string getLastInfoMessage () const
bool setInfoLoggingEnabled (const bool loggingEnabled)
bool setWarningLoggingEnabled (const bool loggingEnabled)
bool setErrorLoggingEnabled (const bool loggingEnabled)
bool setDebugLoggingEnabled (const bool loggingEnabled)
GRTBasegetGRTBasePointer ()
const GRTBasegetGRTBasePointer () const
Float scale (const Float &x, const Float &minSource, const Float &maxSource, const Float &minTarget, const Float &maxTarget, const bool constrain=false)
Float SQR (const Float &x) const
- Public Member Functions inherited from Observer< TrainingResult >
virtual void notify (const TrainingResult &data)
- Public Member Functions inherited from Observer< TestInstanceResult >
virtual void notify (const TestInstanceResult &data)

Static Public Member Functions

static std::string getId ()
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from Classifier
static Classifiercreate (const std::string &id)
static Vector< std::string > getRegisteredClassifiers ()
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from GRTBase
static std::string getGRTVersion (bool returnRevision=true)
static std::string getGRTRevison ()

Protected Member Functions

bool train_NDDTW (TimeSeriesClassificationData &trainingData, DTWTemplate &dtwTemplate, UINT &bestIndex)
Float computeDistance (MatrixFloat &timeSeriesA, MatrixFloat &timeSeriesB, MatrixFloat &distanceMatrix, Vector< IndexDist > &warpPath)
Float d (int m, int n, MatrixFloat &distanceMatrix, const int M, const int N)
Float MIN_ (Float a, Float b, Float c)
void scaleData (TimeSeriesClassificationData &trainingData)
void scaleData (MatrixFloat &data, MatrixFloat &scaledData)
void znormData (TimeSeriesClassificationData &trainingData)
void znormData (MatrixFloat &data, MatrixFloat &normData)
void smoothData (VectorFloat &data, UINT smoothFactor, VectorFloat &resultsData)
void smoothData (MatrixFloat &data, UINT smoothFactor, MatrixFloat &resultsData)
void offsetTimeseries (MatrixFloat &timeseries)
bool loadLegacyModelFromFile (std::fstream &file)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from Classifier
bool saveBaseSettingsToFile (std::fstream &file) const
bool loadBaseSettingsFromFile (std::fstream &file)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from MLBase
bool saveBaseSettingsToFile (std::fstream &file) const
bool loadBaseSettingsFromFile (std::fstream &file)

Protected Attributes

Vector< DTWTemplatetemplatesBuffer
Vector< MatrixFloatdistanceMatrices
Vector< Vector< IndexDist > > warpPaths
CircularBuffer< VectorFloatcontinuousInputDataBuffer
UINT numTemplates
UINT rejectionMode
bool useSmoothing
bool useZNormalisation
bool offsetUsingFirstSample
bool constrainZNorm
bool constrainWarpingPath
bool trimTrainingData
Float zNormConstrainThreshold
Float radius
Float trimThreshold
Float maximumTrimPercentage
Float nullRejectionLikelihoodThreshold
UINT smoothingFactor
UINT distanceMethod
UINT averageTemplateLength
- Protected Attributes inherited from Classifier
bool supportsNullRejection
bool useNullRejection
UINT numClasses
UINT predictedClassLabel
UINT classifierMode
Float nullRejectionCoeff
Float maxLikelihood
Float bestDistance
Float phase
Float trainingSetAccuracy
VectorFloat classLikelihoods
VectorFloat classDistances
VectorFloat nullRejectionThresholds
Vector< UINT > classLabels
Vector< MinMaxranges
- Protected Attributes inherited from MLBase
bool trained
bool useScaling
bool converged
DataType inputType
DataType outputType
BaseType baseType
UINT numInputDimensions
UINT numOutputDimensions
UINT numTrainingIterationsToConverge
UINT minNumEpochs
UINT maxNumEpochs
UINT batchSize
UINT validationSetSize
UINT numRestarts
Float learningRate
Float minChange
Float rmsTrainingError
Float rmsValidationError
Float totalSquaredTrainingError
Float validationSetAccuracy
bool useValidationSet
bool randomiseTrainingOrder
VectorFloat validationSetPrecision
VectorFloat validationSetRecall
Random random
Vector< TrainingResulttrainingResults
TrainingResultsObserverManager trainingResultsObserverManager
TestResultsObserverManager testResultsObserverManager
TrainingLog trainingLog
TestingLog testingLog
- Protected Attributes inherited from GRTBase
std::string classId
 Stores the name of the class (e.g., MinDist)
DebugLog debugLog
ErrorLog errorLog
InfoLog infoLog
WarningLog warningLog

Additional Inherited Members

- Static Protected Member Functions inherited from Classifier
static StringClassifierMapgetMap ()

Detailed Description


Definition at line 91 of file DTW.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

DTW::DTW ( bool  useScaling = false,
bool  useNullRejection = false,
Float  nullRejectionCoeff = 3.0,
bool  dtwConstrain = true,
Float  radius = 0.2,
bool  offsetUsingFirstSample = false,
bool  useSmoothing = false,
UINT  smoothingFactor = 5,
Float  nullRejectionLikelihoodThreshold = 0.99 

Default Constructor

useScalingsets if the training and prediction data should be scaled to a specific range. Default value is useScaling = false
useNullRejectionsets if null rejection will be used for the realtime prediction. If useNullRejection is set to true then the predictedClassLabel will be set to 0 (which is the default null label) if the distance between the inputVector and the closest template is greater than the null rejection threshold for the top predicted class. The null rejection threshold is computed for each class during the training phase. Default value is useNullRejection = false
nullRejectionCoeffsets the null rejection coefficient, this is a multipler controlling the null rejection threshold for each class. This will only be used if the useNullRejection parameter is set to true. Default value is nullRejectionCoeff = 3.0
rejectionModesets the method used for null rejection. The options are TEMPLATE_THRESHOLDS, CLASS_LIKELIHOODS or THRESHOLDS_AND_LIKELIHOODS. Default = TEMPLATE_THRESHOLDS
dtwConstrainsets if the DTW warping path should be constrained within a specific distance from the main radius of the cost matrix. Default value = true
radiuscontrols the radius of the warping path, which is used if the dtwConstrain is set to true. Should be a value between [0 1]. Default value = 0.2
offsetUsingFirstSamplesets if each timeseries should be offset by the first sample in the timeseries. Default value = false
useSmoothingsets if the input timeseries should be smoothed (i.e. averaged and downsampled). Default value = false
smoothingFactorcontrols the amount of downsampling if the useSmoothing parameter is set to true. Default value = 5
nullRejectionLikelihoodThresholdset the null rejection threshold for likelihoods when CLASS_LIKELIHOODS or THRESHOLDS_AND_LIKELIHOODS modes are used for rejectionMode. Default value = 0.99

Definition at line 33 of file DTW.cpp.

DTW::DTW ( const DTW rhs)

Default copy constructor

Defines how the data from the rhs DTW should be copied to this DTW

rhsanother instance of a DTW

Definition at line 65 of file DTW.cpp.

DTW::~DTW ( void  )

Default Destructor

Definition at line 70 of file DTW.cpp.

Member Function Documentation

bool DTW::clear ( )

This overrides the clear function in the Classifier base class. It will completely clear the ML module, removing any trained model and setting all the base variables to their default values.

returns true if the module was cleared succesfully, false otherwise

Reimplemented from Classifier.

Definition at line 524 of file DTW.cpp.

bool DTW::deepCopyFrom ( const Classifier classifier)

This is required for the Gesture Recognition Pipeline for when the pipeline.setClassifier(...) method is called. It clones the data from the Base Class Classifier pointer (which should be pointing to an DTW instance) into this instance

classifiera pointer to the Classifier Base Class, this should be pointing to another DTW instance
returns true if the clone was successfull, false otherwise

Reimplemented from Classifier.

Definition at line 105 of file DTW.cpp.

bool DTW::enableTrimTrainingData ( bool  trimTrainingData,
Float  trimThreshold,
Float  maximumTrimPercentage 

Sets if the training data should be trimmed before training the DTW templates. If set to true then any training samples that have very little movement at the start or end of a file will be trimmed so as to remove the none movement at the start or end of the file. This can be useful if some of your examples have a section were the user paused before performing a gesture, or were the recording continued for a few seconds after the gesture ended. The trimThreshold and maximumTrimPrecentage parameters control how extreme the trimming can be. The trimThreshold should be in a range of [0 1] and the maximumTrimPrecentage should be in a range of [0 100]. If the amount of energy in the timeseries is below the trimThreshold then it will be trimmed.

Note that if the trimming mode is enabled, and a time series sample exceeds the maximumTrimPercentage, then that sample will not be added to the modified (trimmed) training dataset. If any sample exceeds the maximumTrimPercentage then a warning message will be displayed via the DTW trainingLog (unless the trainingLog's logging has been disabled).

trimTrainingDataif true, then the training examples will be trimmed prior to training the DTW templates
trimThresholdthe trimThreshold sets the threshold at which the data should be trimmed. This should be in a range of [0 1]
maximumTrimPercentagethis sets the maximum amount of data that can be trimmed for one example. This should be in the range of [0 100]
returns true if the trimTrainingData parameters were updated successfully, false otherwise

Definition at line 1265 of file DTW.cpp.

bool DTW::enableZNormalization ( bool  useZNormalization,
bool  constrainZNorm = true 

Sets if z-normalization should be used for both training and realtime prediction. This should be called before training the templates.

useZNormalizationif true then the data will be z-normalized before both training and prediction
constrainZNormif true then the data will only be z-normalized if the std-dev of the data is below a specific threshold
returns true if z-normalization was updated successfully, false otherwise

Definition at line 1259 of file DTW.cpp.

const Vector< MatrixFloat >& DTW::getDistanceMatrices ( ) const

Gets the distances matrices from the last prediction. Each element in the vector represents the distance matrices for each corresponding class.

returns a vector of MatrixFloat containing the distance matrices from the last prediction, or an empty vector if no prediction has been made

Definition at line 323 of file DTW.h.

std::string DTW::getId ( )

Gets a string that represents the DTW class.

returns a string containing the ID of this class

Definition at line 28 of file DTW.cpp.

Vector< VectorFloat > DTW::getInputDataBuffer ( ) const

Gets the current data in the DTW circular buffer.

returns a vector of VectorFloats containing the current data in the DTW circular buffer

Definition at line 316 of file DTW.h.

Vector< DTWTemplate > DTW::getModels ( ) const

Gets the DTW models.

returns a vector of DTW templates, or an empty vector if no model has been trained.

Definition at line 302 of file DTW.h.

UINT DTW::getNumTemplates ( ) const

This returns the number of templates in the current model.

returns an unsigned integer representing the number of templates in the current model.

Definition at line 219 of file DTW.h.

UINT DTW::getRejectionMode ( ) const

Gets the rejection mode used for null rejection. The rejection mode will be one of the RejectionModes enums.

returns an unsigned integer representing the current rejection mode

Definition at line 268 of file DTW.h.

const Vector< Vector< IndexDist > >& DTW::getWarpingPaths ( ) const

Gets the warping paths from the last prediction. Each element in the vector represents the warping path for each corresponding class.

returns a vector of vectors containing the warping paths from the last prediction, or an empty vector if no prediction has been made

Definition at line 330 of file DTW.h.

bool DTW::load ( std::fstream &  file)

This loads a trained DTW model from a file. This overrides the load function in the Classifier base class.

filea reference to the file the DTW model will be loaded from
returns true if the model was loaded successfully, false otherwise

Reimplemented from MLBase.


Definition at line 1005 of file DTW.cpp.

DTW & DTW::operator= ( const DTW rhs)

Defines how the data from the rhs DTW should be copied to this DTW

rhsanother instance of a DTW
returns a pointer to this instance of the DTW

Definition at line 73 of file DTW.cpp.

bool DTW::predict_ ( VectorFloat inputVector)

This predicts the class of the inputVector. This overrides the predict function in the Classifier base class.

inputVectorthe input vector to classify
returns true if the prediction was performed, false otherwise

Reimplemented from MLBase.

Definition at line 476 of file DTW.cpp.

bool DTW::predict_ ( MatrixFloat timeSeries)

This predicts the class of the timeseries. This overrides the predict function in the Classifier base class.

timeSeriesthe input timeseries to classify
returns true if the prediction was performed, false otherwise

Reimplemented from MLBase.

Definition at line 356 of file DTW.cpp.

bool DTW::recomputeNullRejectionThresholds ( )

This recomputes the null rejection thresholds for each of the classes in the DTW model. This will be called automatically if the setGamma(Float gamma) function is called. The DTW model needs to be trained first before this function can be called.

returns true if the null rejection thresholds were updated successfully, false otherwise

Reimplemented from Classifier.

Definition at line 538 of file DTW.cpp.

bool DTW::reset ( )

This resets the DTW classifier.

returns true if the DTW model was successfully reset, false otherwise.

Reimplemented from Classifier.

Definition at line 515 of file DTW.cpp.

bool DTW::save ( std::fstream &  file) const

This saves the trained DTW model to a file. This overrides the save function in the Classifier base class.

filea reference to the file the DTW model will be saved to
returns true if the model was saved successfully, false otherwise

Reimplemented from MLBase.


Definition at line 944 of file DTW.cpp.

bool DTW::setContrainWarpingPath ( bool  constrain)

Sets if the warping path should be constrained to within a specific radius from the main diagonal of the cost matrix.

constrainif true then the warping path should be constrained
returns true if the constrain parameter was updated successfully, false otherwise

Definition at line 1249 of file DTW.cpp.

bool DTW::setModels ( Vector< DTWTemplate newTemplates)

Sets the DTW models, overwriting any previous models. The size of the new templates vector must match the size of the old templates buffer.

returns true if the templates were updated, false otherwise

Definition at line 553 of file DTW.cpp.

bool DTW::setNullRejectionThreshold ( Float  nullRejectionLikelihoodThreshold)

Sets the rejection threshold for rejections based on class likelihood.

returns true if the rejection threshold was updated successfully, false otherwise

Definition at line 1238 of file DTW.cpp.

bool DTW::setOffsetTimeseriesUsingFirstSample ( bool  offsetUsingFirstSample)

Sets if each timeseries should be offset by the first sample in the timeseries. This can help the DTW algorithm be more invariant to the position a gesture is performed without having to normalize the data. You shoud call this function before training the algorithm.

offsetUsingFirstSamplesets if each timeseries should be offset by the first sample in the timeseries
returns true if the offsetUsingFirstSample parameter was updated successfully, false otherwise

Definition at line 1244 of file DTW.cpp.

bool DTW::setRejectionMode ( UINT  rejectionMode)

Sets the rejection mode used for null rejection. The rejection mode should be one of the RejectionModes enums.

returns true if the rejection mode was updated successfully, false otherwise

Definition at line 1230 of file DTW.cpp.

bool DTW::setWarpingRadius ( Float  radius)

Sets the warping radius, this is used to constrain the warping path within a specific radius from the main diagonal of the cost matrix. This is only used if the #constrainWarpingPath parameter is set to true. The radius should be a value between [0 1].

radiusthe new warping radius (should be between [0 1]
returns true if the warping radius parameter was updated successfully, false otherwise

Definition at line 1254 of file DTW.cpp.

bool DTW::train_ ( TimeSeriesClassificationData trainingData)

This trains the DTW model, using the labelled timeseries classification data. This overrides the train function in the Classifier base class.

trainingDataa reference to the training data
returns true if the DTW model was trained, false otherwise

Reimplemented from MLBase.

Definition at line 141 of file DTW.cpp.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: