GestureRecognitionToolkit  Version: 0.2.5
The Gesture Recognition Toolkit (GRT) is a cross-platform, open-source, c++ machine learning library for real-time gesture recognition.
File List
Here is a list of all documented files with brief descriptions:
 AdaBoostClassModel.hThis file implements a container for an AdaBoost class model
 ANBC_Model.hThis class implements a container for an ANBC model
 BernoulliRBM.hThis class implements a Bernoulli Restricted Boltzmann machine
 Cholesky.hThis code is based on the LU Decomposition code from Numerical Recipes (3rd Edition)
 ClassificationDataStream.hThe ClassificationDataStream is the main data structure for recording, labeling, managing, saving, and loading datasets that can be used to test the continuous classification abilities of the GRT supervised learning algorithms
 ClassificationResult.hThe ClassificationResult class provides a data structure for storing the results of a classification test
 ClassLabelChangeFilter.hThe Class Label Change Filter signals when the predicted output of a classifier changes. For instance, if the output stream of a classifier was {1,1,1,1,2,2,2,2,3,3}, then the output of the filter would be {1,0,0,0,2,0,0,0,3,0}. This module is useful if you want to debounce a gesture and only care about when the gesture label changes
 ClassLabelFilter.hThe Class Label Filter is a useful post-processing module which can remove erroneous or sporadic prediction spikes that may be made by a classifier on a continuous input stream of data
 ClassLabelTimeoutFilter.hThe Class Label Timeout Filter is a useful post-processing module which debounces a gesture (i.e. it stops a single gesture from being recognized multiple times over a short time frame). For instance, it is normally the case that whenever a user performs a gesture, such as a swipe gesture for example, that the recognition system may recognize this single gesture several times because the user's movements are being sensed at a high sample rate (i.e. 100Hz). The Class Label Timeout Filter can be used to ensure that a gesture, such as the previous swipe gesture example, is only recognize once within any given timespan
 Clusterer.hThis is the main base class that all GRT Clustering algorithms should inherit from
 ClusterTree.hThis class implements a Cluster Tree. This can be used to automatically build a cluster model (where each leaf node in the tree is given a unique cluster label) and then predict the best cluster label for a new input sample
 ClusterTreeNode.hThis file implements a ClusterTreeNode, which is a specific type of node used for a ClusterTree
 Context.hThis is the main base class that all GRT Feature Extraction algorithms should inherit from
 ContinuousHiddenMarkovModel.hThis class implements a continuous Hidden Markov Model
 DecisionStump.hThis class implements a DecisionStump, which is a single node of a DecisionTree
 DiscreteHiddenMarkovModel.hThis class implements a discrete Hidden Markov Model
 FeatureExtraction.hThis is the main base class that all GRT Feature Extraction algorithms should inherit from
 FFTFeatures.hThis class implements the FFTFeatures featue extraction module
 GaussianMixtureModels.hThis class implements a Gaussian Miture Model clustering algorithm. The code is based on the GMM code from Numerical Recipes (3rd Edition)
 GRT.hThis is the main GRT header. You should include this to access all the GRT classes in your project
 GRTBase.hThis file contains the GRTBase class. This is the core base class for all the GRT modules
 HierarchicalClustering.hThis class implements a basic Hierarchial Clustering algorithm
 HMMEnums.hThis class acts as the main interface for using a Hidden Markov Model
 KMeans.hThis class implements the KMeans clustering algorithm
 KMeansQuantizer.hThe KMeansQuantizer module quantizes the N-dimensional input vector to a 1-dimensional discrete value. This value will be between [0 K-1], where K is the number of clusters used to create the quantization model. Before you use the KMeansQuantizer, you need to train a quantization model. To do this, you select the number of clusters you want your quantizer to have and then give it any training data in the following formats:
 LinearLeastSquares.hThis class implements a basic Linear Least Squares algorithm
 Matrix.hThe Matrix class is a basic class for storing any type of data. This class is a template and can therefore be used with any generic data type
 MeanShift.hThis class implements the MeanShift clustering algorithm
 Metrics.hThis file contains the Metrics class, it can be used to compute common metrics such as accuracy, rms error, etc.
 MinDistModel.hThis class implements the MinDist classifier algorithm
 MixtureModel.hThis class implements a MixtureModel, which is a container for holding a class model for the GRT::GMM class
 MovementDetector.hThis class implements a simple movement detection algorithm. This can be used to detect periods of 'low movement' and 'high movement' to act as additional context for other GRT algorithms
 MovementIndex.hThis class implements the MovementIndex feature module. The MovementIndex module computes the amount of movement or variation within an N-dimensional signal over a given time window. The MovementIndex class is good for extracting features that describe how much change is occuring in an N-dimensional signal over time. An example application might be to use the MovementIndex in combination with one of the GRT classification algorithms to determine if an object is being moved or held still
 MovementTrajectoryFeatures.hThis class implements the MovementTrajectory feature extraction module
 Neuron.hThis class implements a Neuron that is used by the Multilayer Perceptron
 Node.hThis class contains the main Node base class
 ParticleFilter.hThis class implements a template based ParticleFilter. The user is required to implement the predict and update functions for their specific task
 ParticleSwarmOptimization.hThis class implements a template based ParticleSwarmOptimization algorithm
 PreProcessing.hThis is the main base class that all GRT PreProcessing algorithms should inherit from
 RadialBasisFunction.hThis class implements a Radial Basis Function Weak Classifier. The Radial Basis Function (RBF) class fits an RBF to the weighted training data so as to maximize the number of positive training samples that are inside a specific region of the RBF (this region is set by the GRT::RadialBasisFunction::positiveClassificationThreshold parameter). After the RBF has been trained, it will output 1 if the input data is inside the RBF positive classification region, otherwise it will output 0
 RangeTracker.hThe RangeTracker can be used to keep track of the expected ranges that might occur in a dataset. These ranges can then be used to set the external ranges of a dataset for several of the GRT DataStructures
 RBMQuantizer.hThe SOMQuantizer module quantizes the N-dimensional input vector to a 1-dimensional discrete value. This value will be between [0 K-1], where K is the number of clusters used to create the quantization model. Before you use the SOMQuantizer, you need to train a quantization model. To do this, you select the number of clusters you want your quantizer to have and then give it any training data in the following formats:
 Regressifier.hThis is the main base class that all GRT Regression algorithms should inherit from
 RegressionData.hThe RegressionData is the main data structure for recording, labeling, managing, saving, and loading datasets that can be used to train and test the GRT supervised regression algorithms
 RegressionSample.hThis class stores the input vector and target vector for a single labelled regression instance
 RegressionTreeNode.hThis file implements a RegressionTreeNode, which is a specific type of node used for a RegressionTree
 SelfOrganizingMap.hThis class implements the Self Oganizing Map clustering algorithm
 SoftmaxModel.hThis file implements a container for a Softmax model
 SOMQuantizer.hThe SOMQuantizer module quantizes the N-dimensional input vector to a 1-dimensional discrete value. This value will be between [0 K-1], where K is the number of clusters used to create the quantization model. Before you use the SOMQuantizer, you need to train a quantization model. To do this, you select the number of clusters you want your quantizer to have and then give it any training data in the following formats:
 TestInstanceResult.hThe TestInstanceResult class provides a data structure for storing the results of a classification or regression test instance
 TestResult.hThe TestResult class provides a data structure for storing the results of a classification or regression test
 ThreadPool.hThe ThreadPool class implements a flexible inteface for performing a large number of batch tasks. You need to build the GRT with GRT_CXX11_ENABLED, otherwise the ThreadPool class will be empty (as it requires C++11 support)
 ThresholdCrossingDetector.hThis class implements a threshold crossing detector
 TimeDomainFeatures.hThis class implements the TimeDomainFeatures feature extraction module
 TimeseriesBuffer.hThis class implements the TimeseriesBuffer feature extraction module
 TimeSeriesClassificationData.hThe TimeSeriesClassificationData is the main data structure for recording, labeling, managing, saving, and loading training data for supervised temporal learning problems. Unlike the ClassificationData, in which each sample consists of 1 N dimensional datum, a TimeSeriesClassificationData sample will consist of an N dimensional time series of length M. The length of each time series sample (i.e. M) can be different for each datum in the dataset
 TimeSeriesClassificationSample.hThis class stores the timeseries data for a single labelled timeseries classification sample
 TimeSeriesClassificationSampleTrimmer.hThis class provides a useful tool to automatically trim timeseries data
 TimeSeriesPositionTracker.hThis class can be used to track the class label, start and end indexs for labelled data
 TrainingDataRecordingTimer.hThe TrainingDataRecordingTimer is a tool to help record your training data
 TrainingResult.hThe TrainingResult class provides a data structure for storing the results of a classification or regression training iteration
 Tree.hThis class implements the base class Tree used for the DecisionTree, RegressionTree and ClusterTree
 UnlabelledData.hThe UnlabelledData class is the main data container for supporting unsupervised learning
 Util.hThis file contains the Util class, a wrapper for a number of generic functions that are used throughout the GRT. This includes functions for scaling data, finding the minimum or maximum values in a double or UINT vector, etc. Many of these functions are static functions, which enables you to use them without having to create a new Util instance, for instance, you can directly call: Util::sleep( 1000 ); to use the sleep function
 Vector.hThe Vector class is a basic class for storing any type of data. The default Vector is an interface for std::vector, but the idea is this can easily be changed when needed (e.g., when running the GRT on an embedded device with limited STL support). This class is a template and can therefore be used with any generic data type
 WeakClassifier.hThis is the main base class for all GRT WeakClassifiers