GestureRecognitionToolkit  Version: 0.2.5
The Gesture Recognition Toolkit (GRT) is a cross-platform, open-source, c++ machine learning library for real-time gesture recognition.
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 CClassificationSampleThis class stores the class label and raw data for a single labelled classification sample
 CClassifierThis is the main base class that all GRT Classification algorithms should inherit from
 CDeadZoneSets any values in the input signal that fall within the dead-zone region to zero. Any values outside of the dead-zone region will be offset by the dead zone's lower limit and upper limit
 CDecisionTreeTripleFeatureNodeThis class implements a DecisionTreeTripleFeatureNode, which is a specific type of node used for a DecisionTree
 CDerivativeComputes either the first or second order derivative of the input signal
 CDictThis class implements a flexible dictionary that supports multiple data types. Elements in the dictionary consist of key-value pairs, where keys are std::strings and values can be any data type, as they are stored as a GRT::DynamicType
 CDoubleMovingAverageFilterThe class implements a Float moving average filter
 CEvolutionaryAlgorithmThis class implements a template based EvolutionaryAlgorithm
 CFIRFilterThis class implements a Finite Impulse Response (FIR) Filter. It can support a low pass filter, high pass filter, or band pass filter
 CGridSearchRangeThis class implements a basic grid search algorithm
 CHighPassFilterThis class implements a High Pass Filter
 CHMMThis class acts as the main interface for using a Hidden Markov Model
 CLeakyIntegratorComputes the following signal: y = y*z + x, where x is the input, y is the output and z is the leakrate
 CLogBase class for all GRT logging functionality
 CLowPassFilterThe class implements a low pass filter, this is based on an Exponential moving average filter:
 CMedianFilterThe MedianFilter implements a simple median filter:
 CMLBaseThis is the main base class that all GRT machine learning algorithms should inherit from
 CMovingAverageFilterThe MovingAverageFilter implements a low pass moving average filter
 CPostProcessingThis is the main base class that all GRT PostProcessing algorithms should inherit from. A large number of the functions in this class are virtual and simply return false as these functions must be overwridden by the inheriting class
 CPrincipalComponentAnalysisThis class runs the Principal Component Analysis (PCA) algorithm, a dimensionality reduction algorithm that projects an [M N] matrix (where M==samples and N==dimensions) onto a new K dimensional subspace, where K is normally much less than N
 CRandomThis file contains the Random class, a useful wrapper for generating cross platform random functions. This includes functions for uniform distributions (both integer and Float) and Gaussian distributions
 CRegisterClassifierModuleThis class provides an interface for classes to register themselves with the classifier base class, this enables Classifier algorithms to be automatically be created from just a string, e.g.: Classifier *knn = create( "KNN" );
 CRegisterClustererModuleThis class provides an interface for classes to register themselves with the clusterer base class, this enables Cluterer algorithms to be automatically be created from just a string, e.g.: Clusterer *kmeans = create( "KMeans" );
 CRegisterContextModuleThis class provides an interface for classes to register themselves with the Context base class, this enables Context algorithms to be automatically be created from just a string, e.g.: Context *gate = create( "Gate" );
 CRegisterPreProcessingModuleThis class provides an interface for classes to register themselves with the preprocessing base class, this enables PreProcessing algorithms to be automatically be created from just a string, e.g.: PreProcessing *lpf = create( "LowPassFilter" );
 CRegisterRegressifierModuleThis class provides an interface for classes to register themselves with the regressifier base class, this enables Regression algorithms to be automatically be created from just a string, e.g.: Regressifier *mlp = create( "MLP" );
 CRegressionTreeThis class implements a basic Regression Tree
 CRMSFilterThe RMSFilter implements a root mean squared (RMS) filter
 CSavitzkyGolayFilterThis implements a Savitzky-Golay filter. This code is based on the Savitzky Golay filter code from Numerical Recipes 3
 CSwipeDetectorThis class implements a basic swipe detection classification algorithm
 CWeightedAverageFilterThe WeightedAverageFilter implements a weighted average filter that gives a larger weight to more recent samples, and a smaller weight to older samples