GestureRecognitionToolkit  Version: 0.1.0
The Gesture Recognition Toolkit (GRT) is a cross-platform, open-source, c++ machine learning library for real-time gesture recognition.
MLP Class Reference

#include <MLP.h>

Inheritance diagram for MLP:
Regressifier MLBase GRTBase Observer< TrainingResult > Observer< TestInstanceResult >

Public Types

enum  TrainingModes { ONLINE_GRADIENT_DESCENT }
- Public Types inherited from Regressifier
typedef std::map< std::string, Regressifier *(*)() > StringRegressifierMap
- Public Types inherited from MLBase

Public Member Functions

 MLP ()
 MLP (const MLP &rhs)
virtual ~MLP ()
MLPoperator= (const MLP &rhs)
virtual bool deepCopyFrom (const Regressifier *regressifier)
virtual bool train_ (ClassificationData &trainingData)
virtual bool train_ (RegressionData &trainingData)
virtual bool predict_ (VectorFloat &inputVector)
virtual bool clear ()
virtual bool print () const
virtual bool saveModelToFile (std::fstream &file) const
virtual bool loadModelFromFile (std::fstream &file)
UINT getNumClasses () const
bool init (const UINT numInputNeurons, const UINT numHiddenNeurons, const UINT numOutputNeurons)
bool init (const UINT numInputNeurons, const UINT numHiddenNeurons, const UINT numOutputNeurons, const UINT inputLayerActivationFunction, const UINT hiddenLayerActivationFunction, const UINT outputLayerActivationFunction)
void printNetwork () const
bool checkForNAN () const
std::string activationFunctionToString (const UINT activationFunction) const
UINT activationFunctionFromString (const std::string activationName) const
bool validateActivationFunction (const UINT avactivationFunction) const
UINT getNumInputNeurons () const
UINT getNumHiddenNeurons () const
UINT getNumOutputNeurons () const
UINT getInputLayerActivationFunction () const
UINT getHiddenLayerActivationFunction () const
UINT getOutputLayerActivationFunction () const
UINT getNumRandomTrainingIterations () const
Float getTrainingRate () const
Float getMomentum () const
Float getGamma () const
Float getTrainingError () const
bool getClassificationModeActive () const
bool getRegressionModeActive () const
Vector< NeurongetInputLayer () const
Vector< NeurongetHiddenLayer () const
Vector< NeurongetOutputLayer () const
Vector< VectorFloatgetTrainingLog () const
bool getNullRejectionEnabled () const
Float getNullRejectionCoeff () const
Float getNullRejectionThreshold () const
Float getMaximumLikelihood () const
VectorFloat getClassLikelihoods () const
VectorFloat getClassDistances () const
UINT getPredictedClassLabel () const
bool setInputLayerActivationFunction (const UINT activationFunction)
bool setHiddenLayerActivationFunction (const UINT activationFunction)
bool setOutputLayerActivationFunction (const UINT activationFunction)
bool setTrainingRate (const Float trainingRate)
bool setMomentum (const Float momentum)
bool setGamma (const Float gamma)
bool setNumRandomTrainingIterations (const UINT numRandomTrainingIterations)
bool setNullRejection (const bool useNullRejection)
bool setNullRejectionCoeff (const Float nullRejectionCoeff)
- Public Member Functions inherited from Regressifier
 Regressifier (void)
virtual ~Regressifier (void)
bool copyBaseVariables (const Regressifier *regressifier)
virtual bool reset ()
std::string getRegressifierType () const
VectorFloat getRegressionData () const
Vector< MinMaxgetInputRanges () const
Vector< MinMaxgetOutputRanges () const
RegressifiercreateNewInstance () const
RegressifierdeepCopy () const
const RegressifiergetBaseRegressifier () const
- Public Member Functions inherited from MLBase
 MLBase (void)
virtual ~MLBase (void)
bool copyMLBaseVariables (const MLBase *mlBase)
virtual bool train (ClassificationData trainingData)
virtual bool train (RegressionData trainingData)
virtual bool train (TimeSeriesClassificationData trainingData)
virtual bool train_ (TimeSeriesClassificationData &trainingData)
virtual bool train (ClassificationDataStream trainingData)
virtual bool train_ (ClassificationDataStream &trainingData)
virtual bool train (UnlabelledData trainingData)
virtual bool train_ (UnlabelledData &trainingData)
virtual bool train (MatrixFloat data)
virtual bool train_ (MatrixFloat &data)
virtual bool predict (VectorFloat inputVector)
virtual bool predict (MatrixFloat inputMatrix)
virtual bool predict_ (MatrixFloat &inputMatrix)
virtual bool map (VectorFloat inputVector)
virtual bool map_ (VectorFloat &inputVector)
virtual bool save (const std::string filename) const
virtual bool load (const std::string filename)
virtual bool saveModelToFile (std::string filename) const
virtual bool loadModelFromFile (std::string filename)
virtual bool getModel (std::ostream &stream) const
Float scale (const Float &x, const Float &minSource, const Float &maxSource, const Float &minTarget, const Float &maxTarget, const bool constrain=false)
virtual std::string getModelAsString () const
DataType getInputType () const
DataType getOutputType () const
UINT getBaseType () const
UINT getNumInputFeatures () const
UINT getNumInputDimensions () const
UINT getNumOutputDimensions () const
UINT getMinNumEpochs () const
UINT getMaxNumEpochs () const
UINT getValidationSetSize () const
UINT getNumTrainingIterationsToConverge () const
Float getMinChange () const
Float getLearningRate () const
Float getRootMeanSquaredTrainingError () const
Float getTotalSquaredTrainingError () const
Float getValidationSetAccuracy () const
VectorFloat getValidationSetPrecision () const
VectorFloat getValidationSetRecall () const
bool getUseValidationSet () const
bool getRandomiseTrainingOrder () const
bool getTrained () const
bool getModelTrained () const
bool getScalingEnabled () const
bool getIsBaseTypeClassifier () const
bool getIsBaseTypeRegressifier () const
bool getIsBaseTypeClusterer () const
bool enableScaling (const bool useScaling)
bool setMaxNumEpochs (const UINT maxNumEpochs)
bool setMinNumEpochs (const UINT minNumEpochs)
bool setMinChange (const Float minChange)
bool setLearningRate (const Float learningRate)
bool setUseValidationSet (const bool useValidationSet)
bool setValidationSetSize (const UINT validationSetSize)
bool setRandomiseTrainingOrder (const bool randomiseTrainingOrder)
bool setTrainingLoggingEnabled (const bool loggingEnabled)
bool registerTrainingResultsObserver (Observer< TrainingResult > &observer)
bool registerTestResultsObserver (Observer< TestInstanceResult > &observer)
bool removeTrainingResultsObserver (const Observer< TrainingResult > &observer)
bool removeTestResultsObserver (const Observer< TestInstanceResult > &observer)
bool removeAllTrainingObservers ()
bool removeAllTestObservers ()
bool notifyTrainingResultsObservers (const TrainingResult &data)
bool notifyTestResultsObservers (const TestInstanceResult &data)
MLBasegetMLBasePointer ()
const MLBasegetMLBasePointer () const
Vector< TrainingResult > getTrainingResults () const
- Public Member Functions inherited from GRTBase
 GRTBase (void)
virtual ~GRTBase (void)
bool copyGRTBaseVariables (const GRTBase *GRTBase)
std::string getClassType () const
std::string getLastWarningMessage () const
std::string getLastErrorMessage () const
std::string getLastInfoMessage () const
bool setInfoLoggingEnabled (const bool loggingEnabled)
bool setWarningLoggingEnabled (const bool loggingEnabled)
bool setErrorLoggingEnabled (const bool loggingEnabled)
GRTBasegetGRTBasePointer ()
const GRTBasegetGRTBasePointer () const
- Public Member Functions inherited from Observer< TrainingResult >
virtual void notify (const TrainingResult &data)
- Public Member Functions inherited from Observer< TestInstanceResult >
virtual void notify (const TestInstanceResult &data)

Protected Member Functions

bool isNAN (const Float v) const
bool trainModel (RegressionData &trainingData)
bool trainOnlineGradientDescentClassification (const RegressionData &trainingData, const RegressionData &validationData)
bool trainOnlineGradientDescentRegression (const RegressionData &trainingData, const RegressionData &validationData)
bool loadLegacyModelFromFile (std::fstream &file)
Float back_prop (const VectorFloat &inputVector, const VectorFloat &targetVector, const Float alpha, const Float beta)
VectorFloat feedforward (VectorFloat data)
void feedforward (const VectorFloat &data, VectorFloat &inputNeuronsOuput, VectorFloat &hiddenNeuronsOutput, VectorFloat &outputNeuronsOutput)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from Regressifier
bool saveBaseSettingsToFile (std::fstream &file) const
bool loadBaseSettingsFromFile (std::fstream &file)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from MLBase
bool saveBaseSettingsToFile (std::fstream &file) const
bool loadBaseSettingsFromFile (std::fstream &file)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from GRTBase
Float SQR (const Float &x) const

Protected Attributes

UINT numInputNeurons
UINT numHiddenNeurons
UINT numOutputNeurons
UINT inputLayerActivationFunction
UINT hiddenLayerActivationFunction
UINT outputLayerActivationFunction
UINT numRandomTrainingIterations
UINT trainingMode
Float momentum
Float gamma
Float trainingError
bool initialized
Random random
Vector< NeuroninputLayer
Vector< NeuronhiddenLayer
Vector< NeuronoutputLayer
Vector< VectorFloattrainingErrorLog
bool classificationModeActive
bool useNullRejection
UINT predictedClassLabel
Float nullRejectionThreshold
Float nullRejectionCoeff
Float maxLikelihood
VectorFloat classLikelihoods
VectorFloat inputNeuronsOuput
VectorFloat hiddenNeuronsOutput
VectorFloat outputNeuronsOutput
VectorFloat deltaO
VectorFloat deltaH
- Protected Attributes inherited from Regressifier
std::string regressifierType
VectorFloat regressionData
Vector< MinMaxinputVectorRanges
Vector< MinMaxtargetVectorRanges
- Protected Attributes inherited from MLBase
bool trained
bool useScaling
DataType inputType
DataType outputType
UINT baseType
UINT numInputDimensions
UINT numOutputDimensions
UINT numTrainingIterationsToConverge
UINT minNumEpochs
UINT maxNumEpochs
UINT validationSetSize
Float learningRate
Float minChange
Float rootMeanSquaredTrainingError
Float totalSquaredTrainingError
Float validationSetAccuracy
bool useValidationSet
bool randomiseTrainingOrder
VectorFloat validationSetPrecision
VectorFloat validationSetRecall
Random random
std::vector< TrainingResult > trainingResults
TrainingResultsObserverManager trainingResultsObserverManager
TestResultsObserverManager testResultsObserverManager
- Protected Attributes inherited from GRTBase
std::string classType
DebugLog debugLog
ErrorLog errorLog
InfoLog infoLog
TrainingLog trainingLog
TestingLog testingLog
WarningLog warningLog

Static Protected Attributes

static RegisterRegressifierModule< MLPregisterModule

Additional Inherited Members

- Static Public Member Functions inherited from Regressifier
static RegressifiercreateInstanceFromString (const std::string &regressifierType)
static Vector< std::string > getRegisteredRegressifiers ()
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from GRTBase
static std::string getGRTVersion (bool returnRevision=true)
static std::string getGRTRevison ()
- Static Protected Member Functions inherited from Regressifier
static StringRegressifierMapgetMap ()

Detailed Description

GRT MIT License Copyright (c) <2012> <Nicholas Gillian, Media Lab, MIT>

Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:

The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.


Definition at line 41 of file MLP.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

MLP::MLP ( )

Default Constructor

Definition at line 31 of file MLP.cpp.

MLP::MLP ( const MLP rhs)

Copy Constructor

rhsanother instance of a MLP that will be copied to this instance

Definition at line 60 of file MLP.cpp.

MLP::~MLP ( )

Default Destructor

Definition at line 71 of file MLP.cpp.

Member Function Documentation

UINT MLP::activationFunctionFromString ( const std::string  activationName) const

Gets the activation function value from a string.

activationNamethe activation function as a string
returns an UINT activation function

Definition at line 1616 of file MLP.cpp.

std::string MLP::activationFunctionToString ( const UINT  activationFunction) const

Gets a string representation of the activation function

activationFunctionthe activation function you want to convert to a string
returns a string representation of the activation function, returns UNKNOWN if the activation function is invalid

Definition at line 1595 of file MLP.cpp.

Float MLP::back_prop ( const VectorFloat inputVector,
const VectorFloat targetVector,
const Float  alpha,
const Float  beta 

Performs one round of back propagation, using the training example and target Vector

inputVectorthe input Vector to use for back propagation
targetVectorthe target Vector to use for back propagation
alphathe training rate
betathe momentum
returns the squared error for the current training example

Definition at line 851 of file MLP.cpp.

bool MLP::checkForNAN ( ) const

Checks if there are any NAN values in any of the layers.

returns true if there are any NAN values in any of the layers, false otherwise

Definition at line 1037 of file MLP.cpp.

bool MLP::clear ( )

Clears any previous model or settings.

returns true if the MLP was cleared, false otherwise

Reimplemented from Regressifier.

Definition at line 296 of file MLP.cpp.

bool MLP::deepCopyFrom ( const Regressifier regressifier)

This is required for the Gesture Recognition Pipeline for when the pipeline.setRegressifier(...) method is called. It clones the data from the Base Class Regressifier pointer (which should be pointing to an MLP instance) into this instance

regressifiera pointer to the Regressifier Base Class, this should be pointing to another MLP instance
returns true if the clone was successfull, false otherwise

Reimplemented from Regressifier.

Definition at line 111 of file MLP.cpp.

VectorFloat MLP::feedforward ( VectorFloat  data)

Performs the feedforward step using the current model and the input training example.

datathe input Vector to use for the feedforward
returns a new Vector of the results from the feedforward step

Definition at line 939 of file MLP.cpp.

void MLP::feedforward ( const VectorFloat data,
VectorFloat inputNeuronsOuput,
VectorFloat hiddenNeuronsOutput,
VectorFloat outputNeuronsOutput 

Performs the feedforward step for back propagation, using the input data

datathe input Vector to use for the feedforward
inputNeuronsOuputthe results of the input layer
hiddenNeuronsOutputthe results of the hidden layer
outputNeuronsOutputthe results of the output layer

Definition at line 980 of file MLP.cpp.

VectorFloat MLP::getClassDistances ( ) const

Gets a Vector of the class distances from the last prediction, this will be an N-dimensional Vector, where N is the number of classes in the model.

returns a Vector of the class distances from the last prediction, an empty Vector will be returned if the model has not been trained

Definition at line 1584 of file MLP.cpp.

bool MLP::getClassificationModeActive ( ) const

Returns true if the MLP is in classification mode.

returns true if the MLP is in classification mode, false otherwise

Definition at line 1538 of file MLP.cpp.

VectorFloat MLP::getClassLikelihoods ( ) const

Gets a Vector of the class likelihoods from the last prediction, this will be an N-dimensional Vector, where N is the number of classes in the model.

returns a Vector of the class likelihoods from the last prediction, an empty Vector will be returned if the model has not been trained

Definition at line 1579 of file MLP.cpp.

Float MLP::getGamma ( ) const

Gets the gamma value. This controls the gamma parameter for the neurons.

returns the gamma value for the neurons

Definition at line 1530 of file MLP.cpp.

Vector< Neuron > MLP::getHiddenLayer ( ) const

Returns the neurons for the hidden layer.

returns a Vector of neurons for the hidden layer

Definition at line 1550 of file MLP.cpp.

UINT MLP::getHiddenLayerActivationFunction ( ) const

Gets the hidden layer activation function.

returns the hidden layer activation function

Definition at line 1510 of file MLP.cpp.

Vector< Neuron > MLP::getInputLayer ( ) const

Returns the neurons for the input layer.

returns a Vector of neurons for the input layer

Definition at line 1546 of file MLP.cpp.

UINT MLP::getInputLayerActivationFunction ( ) const

Gets the input layer activation function.

returns the input layer activation function

Definition at line 1506 of file MLP.cpp.

Float MLP::getMaximumLikelihood ( ) const

Returns the current maximumLikelihood value. The maximumLikelihood value is computed during the prediction phase and is the likelihood of the most likely model. This is only relevant if the MLP is in classification mode. This value will return 0 if a prediction has not been made.

returns the current maximumLikelihood value

Definition at line 1574 of file MLP.cpp.

Float MLP::getMomentum ( ) const

Gets the momentum rate. This should be a value between [0 1]

returns the momentum

Definition at line 1526 of file MLP.cpp.

Float MLP::getNullRejectionCoeff ( ) const

Returns the current null rejection coefficient value. The null rejection coefficient is a multipler controlling the null rejection threshold for each class. This is only relevant if the MLP is in classification mode.

returns the current null rejection coefficient

Definition at line 1566 of file MLP.cpp.

bool MLP::getNullRejectionEnabled ( ) const

Returns true if the MLP should use null rejection during classification. This is only relevant if the MLP is in classification mode.

returns true if the null rejection is enabled, false otherwise

Definition at line 1562 of file MLP.cpp.

Float MLP::getNullRejectionThreshold ( ) const

Returns the current null rejection threshold value. The null rejection threshold is value controlling if a classification result should be rejected or accepted. This is only relevant if the MLP is in classification mode.

returns the current null rejection threshold

Definition at line 1570 of file MLP.cpp.

UINT MLP::getNumClasses ( ) const

Returns the number of classes in the MLP model if the MLP is in classification mode. The number of classes in the model is the same as the number of output neurons. If the MLP is in regression mode then it will return 0.

returns the number of classes in the MLP model if the MLP is in classification mode

Definition at line 1488 of file MLP.cpp.

UINT MLP::getNumHiddenNeurons ( ) const

Gets the number of hidden neurons.

returns the number of hidden neurons

Definition at line 1498 of file MLP.cpp.

UINT MLP::getNumInputNeurons ( ) const

Gets the number of input neurons.

returns the number of input neurons

Definition at line 1494 of file MLP.cpp.

UINT MLP::getNumOutputNeurons ( ) const

Gets the number of output neurons.

returns the number of output neurons

Definition at line 1502 of file MLP.cpp.

UINT MLP::getNumRandomTrainingIterations ( ) const

Gets the number of random training iterations that should be performed during the training phase. The MLP back propagation algorithm starts with random values, and the accuracy of a trained model can depend on which random values the algorithm started with. The GRT MLP algorithm therefore trains a number of models and picks the best one. This value therefore represents the number of random training iterations that should be used.

returns the number of random training iterations that should be performed during the training phase

Definition at line 1518 of file MLP.cpp.

Vector< Neuron > MLP::getOutputLayer ( ) const

Returns the neurons for the output layer.

returns a Vector of neurons for the output layer

Definition at line 1554 of file MLP.cpp.

UINT MLP::getOutputLayerActivationFunction ( ) const

Gets the output layer activation function.

returns the output layer activation function

Definition at line 1514 of file MLP.cpp.

UINT MLP::getPredictedClassLabel ( ) const

Gets the predicted class label from the last prediction. This is only relevant if the MLP is in classification mode.

returns the label of the last predicted class, a value of 0 will be returned if the model has not been trained

Definition at line 1590 of file MLP.cpp.

bool MLP::getRegressionModeActive ( ) const

Returns true if the MLP is in regression mode.

returns true if the MLP is in regression mode, false otherwise

Definition at line 1542 of file MLP.cpp.

Float MLP::getTrainingError ( ) const

Gets training error from the last round of training. If the MLP is in classification mode, the training error will be the classification accuracy. If the MLP is in regression mode then the training error will be the RMS error.

returns the training error from the last round of training

Definition at line 1534 of file MLP.cpp.

Vector< VectorFloat > MLP::getTrainingLog ( ) const

Returns a Vector of VectorFloat representing the training log for each random round of training. The outer Vector represents each round and the inner Vector represents each epoch in that round.

returns a Vector of MinMax values representing the ranges of the output layer

Definition at line 1558 of file MLP.cpp.

Float MLP::getTrainingRate ( ) const

Gets the training rate. This should be a value between [0 1]

returns the training rate

Definition at line 1522 of file MLP.cpp.

bool MLP::init ( const UINT  numInputNeurons,
const UINT  numHiddenNeurons,
const UINT  numOutputNeurons 

Initializes the MLP for training. This should be called before the MLP is trained. The number of input neurons should match the number of input dimensions in your training data. The number of output neurons should match the number of target dimensions in your training data. The number of hidden units should be chosen by the user, a common rule of thumb is to set this as a value somewhere between the number of input neurons and the number of output neurons. Initializaling the MLP will clear any previous model or settings.

This function calls the other init function below, passing in the layer activation functions.

numInputNeuronsthe number of input neurons (should match the number of input dimensions in your training data)
numHiddenNeuronsthe number of hidden neurons
numOutputNeuronsthe number of output neurons (should match the number of target dimensions in your training data)
returns true if the MLP was initialized, false otherwise

Definition at line 222 of file MLP.cpp.

bool MLP::init ( const UINT  numInputNeurons,
const UINT  numHiddenNeurons,
const UINT  numOutputNeurons,
const UINT  inputLayerActivationFunction,
const UINT  hiddenLayerActivationFunction,
const UINT  outputLayerActivationFunction 

Initializes the MLP for training. This should be called before the MLP is trained. The number of input neurons should match the number of input dimensions in your training data. The number of output neurons should match the number of target dimensions in your training data. The number of hidden units should be chosen by the user, a common rule of thumb is to set this as a value somewhere between the number of input neurons and the number of output neurons. The activation functions should be one of the Neuron ActivationFunctions enums. Initializaling the MLP will clear any previous model or settings.

numInputNeuronsthe number of input neurons (should match the number of input dimensions in your training data)
numHiddenNeuronsthe number of hidden neurons
numOutputNeuronsthe number of output neurons (should match the number of target dimensions in your training data)
inputLayerActivationFunctionthe activation function to use for the input layer
hiddenLayerActivationFunctionthe activation function to use for the input layer
outputLayerActivationFunctionthe activation function to use for the input layer
returns true if the MLP was initialized, false otherwise

Definition at line 226 of file MLP.cpp.

bool MLP::loadModelFromFile ( std::fstream &  file)

This loads a trained MLP model from a file. This overrides the loadModelFromFile function in the ML base class.

filea reference to the file the MLP model will be loaded from
returns true if the model was loaded successfully, false otherwise

Reimplemented from MLBase.

Definition at line 1146 of file MLP.cpp.

MLP & MLP::operator= ( const MLP rhs)

Defines how the data from the rhs MLP should be copied to this MLP

rhsanother instance of a MLP
returns a reference to this instance of the MLP

Definition at line 75 of file MLP.cpp.

bool MLP::predict_ ( VectorFloat inputVector)

This function either predicts the class of the input Vector (if the MLP is in Classification Mode), or it performs regression using the MLP model.

inputVectorthe input Vector to classify or perform regression on
returns true if the prediction/regression was performed, false otherwise

Reimplemented from MLBase.

Definition at line 163 of file MLP.cpp.

bool MLP::print ( ) const

This function will print the model and settings to the display log.

returns true if the model was printed succesfully, false otherwise

Reimplemented from MLBase.

Definition at line 312 of file MLP.cpp.

void MLP::printNetwork ( ) const

Prints the current MLP weights and coefficents to std out. This function is depreciated, you should now use print() instead.

Definition at line 1005 of file MLP.cpp.

bool MLP::saveModelToFile ( std::fstream &  file) const

This saves the trained MLP model to a file. This overrides the saveModelToFile function in the ML base class.

filea reference to the file the MLP model will be saved to
returns true if the model was saved successfully, false otherwise

Reimplemented from MLBase.

Definition at line 1072 of file MLP.cpp.

bool MLP::setGamma ( const Float  gamma)

Sets the gamma parameter for the Neurons. Gamma must be greater than zero. If the MLP instance has been initialized then this function will also call the init function to reinitialize the instance.

gammathe gamma value for each Neuron, gamma must be greater than zero
returns true if the value was updated successfully, false otherwise

Definition at line 1698 of file MLP.cpp.

bool MLP::setHiddenLayerActivationFunction ( const UINT  activationFunction)

This function sets the activation function for all the Neurons in the hidden layer. If the MLP instance has been initialized then this function will also call the init function to reinitialize the instance.

activationFunctionthe activation function for the hidden layer, this should be one of the Neuron ActivationFunctions enums
returns true if the hidden layer activation function was set successfully, false otherwise

Definition at line 1655 of file MLP.cpp.

bool MLP::setInputLayerActivationFunction ( const UINT  activationFunction)

This function sets the activation function for all the Neurons in the input layer. If the MLP instance has been initialized then this function will also call the init function to reinitialize the instance.

activationFunctionthe activation function for the input layer, this should be one of the Neuron ActivationFunctions enums
returns true if the input layer activation function was set successfully, false otherwise

Definition at line 1639 of file MLP.cpp.

bool MLP::setMomentum ( const Float  momentum)

Sets the momentum parameter. This is used to update the weights at each step of the stochastic gradient descent. The momentum parameter is normally set between [0.1 0.9], with 0.5 being a common value.

momentumthe momentum value used during the training phase, must be greater than zero
returns true if the value was updated successfully, false otherwise

Definition at line 1690 of file MLP.cpp.

bool MLP::setNullRejection ( const bool  useNullRejection)

Sets if null rejection should be used for the real-time prediction. This is only used if the MLP is in classificationMode.

useNullRejectionif true then null rejection will be used
returns true if the value was updated successfully, false otherwise

Definition at line 1721 of file MLP.cpp.

bool MLP::setNullRejectionCoeff ( const Float  nullRejectionCoeff)

This function lets you manually control the null rejection threshold. Any class with a prediction value less than the null rejection threshold will be rejected, setting the predicted class label to 0.

This is only used if the MLP is in classificationMode.

nullRejectionCoeffthe new null rejection threshold
returns true if the value was updated successfully, false otherwise

Definition at line 1726 of file MLP.cpp.

bool MLP::setNumRandomTrainingIterations ( const UINT  numRandomTrainingIterations)

Sets number of times the MLP model should be trained to find the best model. This value must be greater than zero.

Setting this value to a high number (i.e. 100) will most likely give you a better model, however it will take much longer to train the overall model. Setting this value to a low number (i.e. 5) will make the training process much faster, but you might not get the best model.

numRandomTrainingIterationsthe number of times you want to randomly train the MLP model to search for the best results
returns true if the value was updated successfully, false otherwise

Definition at line 1713 of file MLP.cpp.

bool MLP::setOutputLayerActivationFunction ( const UINT  activationFunction)

This function sets the activation function for all the Neurons in the output layer. If the MLP instance has been initialized then this function will also call the init function to reinitialize the instance.

activationFunctionthe activation function for the output layer, this should be one of the Neuron ActivationFunctions enums
returns true if the output layer activation function was set successfully, false otherwise

Definition at line 1671 of file MLP.cpp.

bool MLP::setTrainingRate ( const Float  trainingRate)

Sets the training rate, which controls the learning rate parameter. This is used to update the weights at each step of the stochastic gradient descent. The learningRate value must be greater than zero, a value of 0.1 normally works well. If you find the MLP fails to train with this value then try setting the learning rate to a smaller value (for example 0.01).

trainingRatethe learningRate value used during the training phase, must be greater than zero
returns true if the value was updated successfully, false otherwise

Definition at line 1686 of file MLP.cpp.

bool MLP::train_ ( ClassificationData trainingData)

This trains the MLP model, using the labelled classification data. Calling this function sets the MLP into Classification Model.

trainingDatathe training data that will be used to train the classification model
returns true if the MLP model was trained, false otherwise

Reimplemented from MLBase.

Definition at line 129 of file MLP.cpp.

bool MLP::train_ ( RegressionData trainingData)

This trains the MLP model, using the labelled regression data. Calling this function sets the MLP into Regression Model.

trainingDatathe training data that will be used to train the regression model
returns true if the MLP model was trained, false otherwise

Reimplemented from MLBase.

Definition at line 154 of file MLP.cpp.

bool MLP::validateActivationFunction ( const UINT  avactivationFunction) const

Validates if the activationFunction is valid.

activationFunctionthe activation function you want to valid
returns true if the activation function is valid, false otherwise

Definition at line 1634 of file MLP.cpp.

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