GestureRecognitionToolkit  Version: 0.2.5
The Gesture Recognition Toolkit (GRT) is a cross-platform, open-source, c++ machine learning library for real-time gesture recognition.
Go to the documentation of this file.
28 #define GRT_DLL_EXPORTS
29 #include "DecisionStump.h"
33 //Register the DecisionStump module with the WeakClassifier base class
36 DecisionStump::DecisionStump(const UINT numRandomSplits){
37  this->numRandomSplits = numRandomSplits;
38  trained = false;
41  decisionValue = 0;
42  direction = 0;
43  weakClassifierType = "DecisionStump";
44  trainingLog.setKey("[TRAINING DecisionStump]");
45  warningLog.setKey("[WARNING DecisionStump]");
46  errorLog.setKey("[ERROR DecisionStump]");
47 }
51 }
54  *this = rhs;
55 }
58  if( this != &rhs ){
60  this->decisionValue = rhs.decisionValue;
61  this->direction = rhs.direction;
62  this->numRandomSplits = rhs.numRandomSplits;
63  this->copyBaseVariables( &rhs );
64  }
65  return *this;
66 }
68 bool DecisionStump::deepCopyFrom(const WeakClassifier *weakClassifer){
69  if( weakClassifer == NULL ) return false;
71  if( this->getWeakClassifierType() == weakClassifer->getWeakClassifierType() ){
72  *this = *(DecisionStump*)weakClassifer;
73  return true;
74  }
75  return false;
76 }
78 bool DecisionStump::train(ClassificationData &trainingData, VectorFloat &weights){
80  trained = false;
81  numInputDimensions = trainingData.getNumDimensions();
83  //There should only be two classes in the dataset, the positive class (classLable==1) and the negative class (classLabel==2)
84  if( trainingData.getNumClasses() != 2 ){
85  errorLog << "train(ClassificationData &trainingData, VectorFloat &weights) - There should only be 2 classes in the training data, but there are : " << trainingData.getNumClasses() << std::endl;
86  return false;
87  }
89  //There should be one weight for every training sample
90  if( trainingData.getNumSamples() != weights.size() ){
91  errorLog << "train(ClassificationData &trainingData, VectorFloat &weights) - There number of examples in the training data (" << trainingData.getNumSamples() << ") does not match the lenght of the weights vector (" << weights.getSize() << ")" << std::endl;
92  return false;
93  }
95  //Pick the training sample to use as the stump feature
96  const UINT M = trainingData.getNumSamples();
97  UINT bestFeatureIndex = 0;
98  Vector< MinMax > ranges = trainingData.getRanges();
99  Float minError = grt_numeric_limits< Float >::max();
100  Float minRange = 0;
101  Float maxRange = 0;
102  Float threshold = 0;
103  Float bestThreshold = 0;
104  Random random;
106  for(UINT k=0; k<numRandomSplits; k++){
108  //Randomly select a feature and a threshold
109  UINT n = random.getRandomNumberInt(0,numInputDimensions);
110  minRange = ranges[n].minValue;
111  maxRange = ranges[n].maxValue;
112  threshold = random.getRandomNumberUniform( minRange, maxRange );
114  //Compute the error using the current threshold on the current input dimension
115  //We need to check both sides of the threshold
116  Float rhsError = 0;
117  Float lhsError = 0;
118  for(UINT i=0; i<M; i++){
119  bool positiveClass = trainingData[ i ].getClassLabel() == WEAK_CLASSIFIER_POSITIVE_CLASS_LABEL;
120  bool rhs = trainingData[ i ][ n ] >= threshold;
121  bool lhs = trainingData[ i ][ n ] <= threshold;
122  if( (rhs && !positiveClass) || (!rhs && positiveClass) ) rhsError += weights[ i ];
123  if( (lhs && !positiveClass) || (!lhs && positiveClass) ) lhsError += weights[ i ];
124  }
126  //Check to see if either the rhsError or lhsError beats the minError, if so then store the results
127  if( rhsError < minError ){
128  minError = rhsError;
129  bestFeatureIndex = n;
130  bestThreshold = threshold;
131  direction = 1; //1 means rhs
132  }
133  if( lhsError < minError ){
134  minError = lhsError;
135  bestFeatureIndex = n;
136  bestThreshold = threshold;
137  direction = 0; //0 means lhs
138  }
140  }
142  decisionFeatureIndex = bestFeatureIndex;
143  decisionValue = bestThreshold;
144  trained = true;
146  trainingLog << "Best Feature Index: " << decisionFeatureIndex << " Value: " << decisionValue << " Direction: " << direction << " Error: " << minError << std::endl;
147  return true;
148 }
151  if( direction == 1){
152  if( x[ decisionFeatureIndex ] >= decisionValue ) return 1;
153  }else if( x[ decisionFeatureIndex ] <= decisionValue ) return 1;
154  return -1;
155 }
157 bool DecisionStump::saveModelToFile( std::fstream &file ) const{
159  if(!file.is_open())
160  {
161  errorLog <<"saveModelToFile(fstream &file) - The file is not open!" << std::endl;
162  return false;
163  }
165  //Write the WeakClassifierType data
166  file << "WeakClassifierType: " << weakClassifierType << std::endl;
167  file << "Trained: "<< trained << std::endl;
168  file << "NumInputDimensions: " << numInputDimensions << std::endl;
170  //Write the DecisionStump data
171  file << "DecisionFeatureIndex: " << decisionFeatureIndex << std::endl;
172  file << "Direction: "<< direction << std::endl;
173  file << "NumRandomSplits: " << numRandomSplits << std::endl;
174  file << "DecisionValue: " << decisionValue << std::endl;
176  //We don't need to close the file as the function that called this function should handle that
177  return true;
178 }
180 bool DecisionStump::loadModelFromFile( std::fstream &file ){
182  if(!file.is_open())
183  {
184  errorLog <<"loadModelFromFile(fstream &file) - The file is not open!" << std::endl;
185  return false;
186  }
188  std::string word;
190  file >> word;
191  if( word != "WeakClassifierType:" ){
192  errorLog <<"loadModelFromFile(fstream &file) - Failed to read WeakClassifierType header!" << std::endl;
193  return false;
194  }
195  file >> word;
197  if( word != weakClassifierType ){
198  errorLog <<"loadModelFromFile(fstream &file) - The weakClassifierType:" << word << " does not match: " << weakClassifierType << std::endl;
199  return false;
200  }
202  file >> word;
203  if( word != "Trained:" ){
204  errorLog <<"loadModelFromFile(fstream &file) - Failed to read Trained header!" << std::endl;
205  return false;
206  }
207  file >> trained;
209  file >> word;
210  if( word != "NumInputDimensions:" ){
211  errorLog <<"loadModelFromFile(fstream &file) - Failed to read NumInputDimensions header!" << std::endl;
212  return false;
213  }
214  file >> numInputDimensions;
216  file >> word;
217  if( word != "DecisionFeatureIndex:" ){
218  errorLog <<"loadModelFromFile(fstream &file) - Failed to read DecisionFeatureIndex header!" << std::endl;
219  return false;
220  }
221  file >> decisionFeatureIndex;
223  file >> word;
224  if( word != "Direction:" ){
225  errorLog <<"loadModelFromFile(fstream &file) - Failed to read Direction header!" << std::endl;
226  return false;
227  }
228  file >> direction;
230  file >> word;
231  if( word != "NumRandomSplits:" ){
232  errorLog <<"loadModelFromFile(fstream &file) - Failed to read NumRandomSplits header!" << std::endl;
233  return false;
234  }
235  file >> numRandomSplits;
237  file >> word;
238  if( word != "DecisionValue:" ){
239  errorLog <<"loadModelFromFile(fstream &file) - Failed to read DecisionValue header!" << std::endl;
240  return false;
241  }
242  file >> decisionValue;
244  //We don't need to close the file as the function that called this function should handle that
245  return true;
246 }
248 void DecisionStump::print() const{
249  std::cout << "Trained: " << trained;
250  std::cout << "\tDecisionValue: " << decisionValue;
251  std::cout << "\tDecisionFeatureIndex: " << decisionFeatureIndex;
252  std::cout << "\tDirection: " << direction << std::endl;
253 }
256  return decisionFeatureIndex;
257 }
260  return direction;
261 }
264  return numRandomSplits;
265 }
268  return decisionValue;
269 }
UINT getNumRandomSplits() const
static RegisterWeakClassifierModule< DecisionStump > registerModule
This is used to register the DecisionStump with the WeakClassifier base class.
std::string weakClassifierType
A string that represents the weak classifier type, e.g. DecisionStump.
UINT direction
Indicates if the decision spilt threshold is greater than (1), or less than (0)
This file contains the Random class, a useful wrapper for generating cross platform random functions...
Definition: Random.h:46
UINT numInputDimensions
The number of input dimensions to the weak classifier.
Float decisionValue
The decision spilt threshold.
DecisionStump & operator=(const DecisionStump &rhs)
virtual ~DecisionStump()
virtual bool train(ClassificationData &trainingData, VectorFloat &weights)
virtual bool setKey(const std::string &key)
sets the key that gets written at the start of each message, this will be written in the format &#39;key ...
Definition: Log.h:166
std::string getWeakClassifierType() const
UINT getSize() const
Definition: Vector.h:201
Float getDecisionValue() const
virtual void print() const
DecisionStump(const UINT numRandomSplits=100)
UINT getNumSamples() const
UINT numRandomSplits
The number of random splits used to search for the best decision spilt.
virtual bool loadModelFromFile(std::fstream &file)
virtual bool saveModelToFile(std::fstream &file) const
virtual Float predict(const VectorFloat &x)
UINT getDecisionFeatureIndex() const
bool copyBaseVariables(const WeakClassifier *weakClassifer)
UINT getNumDimensions() const
UINT getNumClasses() const
bool trained
A flag to show if the weak classifier model has been trained.
Vector< MinMax > getRanges() const
Float getRandomNumberUniform(Float minRange=0.0, Float maxRange=1.0)
Definition: Random.cpp:129
int getRandomNumberInt(int minRange, int maxRange)
Definition: Random.cpp:59
virtual bool deepCopyFrom(const WeakClassifier *weakClassifer)
UINT decisionFeatureIndex
The dimension that the data will be spilt on.
This class implements a DecisionStump, which is a single node of a DecisionTree.
UINT getDirection() const