![]() |
Version: 0.1.0
The Gesture Recognition Toolkit (GRT) is a cross-platform, open-source, c++ machine learning library for real-time gesture recognition.
This is the complete list of members for RandomForests, including all inherited members.
BASE_TYPE_NOT_SET enum value (defined in MLBase) | MLBase | |
baseType (defined in MLBase) | MLBase | protected |
BaseTypes enum name (defined in MLBase) | MLBase | |
bestDistance (defined in Classifier) | Classifier | protected |
bootstrappedDatasetWeight (defined in RandomForests) | RandomForests | protected |
classDistances (defined in Classifier) | Classifier | protected |
Classifier(void) | Classifier | |
CLASSIFIER enum value (defined in MLBase) | MLBase | |
classifierMode (defined in Classifier) | Classifier | protected |
ClassifierModes enum name (defined in Classifier) | Classifier | protected |
classifierType (defined in Classifier) | Classifier | protected |
classLabels (defined in Classifier) | Classifier | protected |
classLikelihoods (defined in Classifier) | Classifier | protected |
classType (defined in GRTBase) | GRTBase | protected |
clear() | RandomForests | virtual |
CLUSTERER enum value (defined in MLBase) | MLBase | |
combineModels(const RandomForests &forest) | RandomForests | |
copyBaseVariables(const Classifier *classifier) | Classifier | |
copyGRTBaseVariables(const GRTBase *GRTBase) | GRTBase | |
copyMLBaseVariables(const MLBase *mlBase) | MLBase | |
createInstanceFromString(std::string const &classifierType) | Classifier | static |
createNewInstance() const | Classifier | |
debugLog (defined in GRTBase) | GRTBase | protected |
decisionTreeNode (defined in RandomForests) | RandomForests | protected |
deepCopy() const | Classifier | |
deepCopyDecisionTreeNode() const | RandomForests | |
deepCopyFrom(const Classifier *classifier) | RandomForests | virtual |
enableNullRejection(bool useNullRejection) | Classifier | |
enableScaling(const bool useScaling) | MLBase | |
errorLog (defined in GRTBase) | GRTBase | protected |
forest (defined in RandomForests) | RandomForests | protected |
forestSize (defined in RandomForests) | RandomForests | protected |
getBaseClassifier() const | Classifier | |
getBaseType() const | MLBase | |
getBestDistance() const | Classifier | |
getBootstrappedDatasetWeight() const | RandomForests | |
getClassDistances() const | Classifier | |
getClassifierPointer() const | Classifier | |
getClassifierType() const | Classifier | |
getClassLabelIndexValue(UINT classLabel) const | Classifier | |
getClassLabels() const | Classifier | |
getClassLikelihoods() const | Classifier | |
getClassType() const | GRTBase | |
getFeatureWeights(const bool normWeights=true) const | RandomForests | |
getForest() const | RandomForests | |
getForestSize() const | RandomForests | |
getGRTBasePointer() | GRTBase | |
getGRTBasePointer() const | GRTBase | |
getGRTRevison() | GRTBase | static |
getGRTVersion(bool returnRevision=true) | GRTBase | static |
getInputType() const | MLBase | |
getIsBaseTypeClassifier() const | MLBase | |
getIsBaseTypeClusterer() const | MLBase | |
getIsBaseTypeRegressifier() const | MLBase | |
getLastErrorMessage() const | GRTBase | |
getLastInfoMessage() const | GRTBase | |
getLastWarningMessage() const | GRTBase | |
getLeafNodeFeatureWeights(const bool normWeights=true) const | RandomForests | |
getLearningRate() const | MLBase | |
getMap() (defined in Classifier) | Classifier | inlineprotectedstatic |
getMaxDepth() const | RandomForests | |
getMaximumLikelihood() const | Classifier | |
getMaxNumEpochs() const | MLBase | |
getMinChange() const | MLBase | |
getMinNumEpochs() const | MLBase | |
getMinNumSamplesPerNode() const | RandomForests | |
getMLBasePointer() | MLBase | |
getMLBasePointer() const | MLBase | |
getModel(std::ostream &stream) const | MLBase | virtual |
getModelAsString() const | MLBase | virtual |
getModelTrained() const | MLBase | |
getNullRejectionCoeff() const | Classifier | |
getNullRejectionEnabled() const | Classifier | |
getNullRejectionThresholds() const | Classifier | |
getNumClasses() const | Classifier | virtual |
getNumInputDimensions() const | MLBase | |
getNumInputFeatures() const | MLBase | |
getNumOutputDimensions() const | MLBase | |
getNumRandomSplits() const | RandomForests | |
getNumTrainingIterationsToConverge() const | MLBase | |
getOutputType() const | MLBase | |
getPhase() const | Classifier | |
getPredictedClassLabel() const | Classifier | |
getRandomiseTrainingOrder() const | MLBase | |
getRanges() const | Classifier | |
getRegisteredClassifiers() | Classifier | static |
getRemoveFeaturesAtEachSpilt() const | RandomForests | |
getRootMeanSquaredTrainingError() const | MLBase | |
getScalingEnabled() const | MLBase | |
getSupportsNullRejection() const | Classifier | |
getTimeseriesCompatible() const | Classifier | inline |
getTotalSquaredTrainingError() const | MLBase | |
getTrained() const | MLBase | |
getTrainingMode() const | RandomForests | |
getTrainingResults() const | MLBase | |
getTree(const UINT index) const | RandomForests | |
getUseValidationSet() const | MLBase | |
getValidationSetAccuracy() const | MLBase | |
getValidationSetPrecision() const | MLBase | |
getValidationSetRecall() const | MLBase | |
getValidationSetSize() const | MLBase | |
GRTBase(void) | GRTBase | |
infoLog (defined in GRTBase) | GRTBase | protected |
inputType (defined in MLBase) | MLBase | protected |
learningRate (defined in MLBase) | MLBase | protected |
load(const std::string filename) | MLBase | virtual |
loadBaseSettingsFromFile(std::fstream &file) | Classifier | protected |
loadModelFromFile(std::fstream &file) | RandomForests | virtual |
Classifier::loadModelFromFile(std::string filename) | MLBase | virtual |
map(VectorFloat inputVector) | MLBase | virtual |
map_(VectorFloat &inputVector) | MLBase | virtual |
maxDepth (defined in RandomForests) | RandomForests | protected |
maxLikelihood (defined in Classifier) | Classifier | protected |
maxNumEpochs (defined in MLBase) | MLBase | protected |
minChange (defined in MLBase) | MLBase | protected |
minNumEpochs (defined in MLBase) | MLBase | protected |
minNumSamplesPerNode (defined in RandomForests) | RandomForests | protected |
MLBase(void) | MLBase | |
notify(const TrainingResult &data) (defined in Observer< TrainingResult >) | Observer< TrainingResult > | inlinevirtual |
notify(const TestInstanceResult &data) (defined in Observer< TestInstanceResult >) | Observer< TestInstanceResult > | inlinevirtual |
notifyTestResultsObservers(const TestInstanceResult &data) | MLBase | |
notifyTrainingResultsObservers(const TrainingResult &data) | MLBase | |
nullRejectionCoeff (defined in Classifier) | Classifier | protected |
nullRejectionThresholds (defined in Classifier) | Classifier | protected |
numClasses (defined in Classifier) | Classifier | protected |
numInputDimensions (defined in MLBase) | MLBase | protected |
numOutputDimensions (defined in MLBase) | MLBase | protected |
numRandomSplits (defined in RandomForests) | RandomForests | protected |
numTrainingIterationsToConverge (defined in MLBase) | MLBase | protected |
Observer() (defined in Observer< TrainingResult >) | Observer< TrainingResult > | inline |
Observer() (defined in Observer< TestInstanceResult >) | Observer< TestInstanceResult > | inline |
operator=(const RandomForests &rhs) | RandomForests | |
outputType (defined in MLBase) | MLBase | protected |
phase (defined in Classifier) | Classifier | protected |
predict(VectorFloat inputVector) | MLBase | virtual |
predict(MatrixFloat inputMatrix) | MLBase | virtual |
predict_(VectorDouble &inputVector) | RandomForests | virtual |
Classifier::predict_(MatrixFloat &inputMatrix) | MLBase | virtual |
predictedClassLabel (defined in Classifier) | Classifier | protected |
print() const | RandomForests | virtual |
random (defined in MLBase) | MLBase | protected |
RandomForests(const DecisionTreeNode &decisionTreeNode=DecisionTreeClusterNode(), const UINT forestSize=10, const UINT numRandomSplits=100, const UINT minNumSamplesPerNode=5, const UINT maxDepth=10, const UINT trainingMode=DecisionTree::BEST_RANDOM_SPLIT, const bool removeFeaturesAtEachSpilt=true, const bool useScaling=false, const Float bootstrappedDatasetWeight=0.8) | RandomForests | |
RandomForests(const RandomForests &rhs) | RandomForests | |
randomiseTrainingOrder (defined in MLBase) | MLBase | protected |
ranges (defined in Classifier) | Classifier | protected |
recomputeNullRejectionThresholds() | Classifier | inlinevirtual |
registerTestResultsObserver(Observer< TestInstanceResult > &observer) | MLBase | |
registerTrainingResultsObserver(Observer< TrainingResult > &observer) | MLBase | |
REGRESSIFIER enum value (defined in MLBase) | MLBase | |
removeAllTestObservers() | MLBase | |
removeAllTrainingObservers() | MLBase | |
removeFeaturesAtEachSpilt (defined in RandomForests) | RandomForests | protected |
removeTestResultsObserver(const Observer< TestInstanceResult > &observer) | MLBase | |
removeTrainingResultsObserver(const Observer< TrainingResult > &observer) | MLBase | |
reset() | Classifier | virtual |
rootMeanSquaredTrainingError (defined in MLBase) | MLBase | protected |
save(const std::string filename) const | MLBase | virtual |
saveBaseSettingsToFile(std::fstream &file) const | Classifier | protected |
saveModelToFile(std::fstream &file) const | RandomForests | virtual |
Classifier::saveModelToFile(std::string filename) const | MLBase | virtual |
scale(const Float &x, const Float &minSource, const Float &maxSource, const Float &minTarget, const Float &maxTarget, const bool constrain=false) | MLBase | inline |
setBootstrappedDatasetWeight(const Float bootstrappedDatasetWeight) | RandomForests | |
setDecisionTreeNode(const DecisionTreeNode &node) | RandomForests | |
setErrorLoggingEnabled(const bool loggingEnabled) | GRTBase | |
setForestSize(const UINT forestSize) | RandomForests | |
setInfoLoggingEnabled(const bool loggingEnabled) | GRTBase | |
setLearningRate(const Float learningRate) | MLBase | |
setMaxDepth(const UINT maxDepth) | RandomForests | |
setMaxNumEpochs(const UINT maxNumEpochs) | MLBase | |
setMinChange(const Float minChange) | MLBase | |
setMinNumEpochs(const UINT minNumEpochs) | MLBase | |
setMinNumSamplesPerNode(const UINT minNumSamplesPerNode) | RandomForests | |
setNullRejectionCoeff(Float nullRejectionCoeff) | Classifier | virtual |
setNullRejectionThresholds(VectorFloat newRejectionThresholds) | Classifier | virtual |
setNumRandomSplits(const UINT numSplittingSteps) | RandomForests | |
setRandomiseTrainingOrder(const bool randomiseTrainingOrder) | MLBase | |
setRemoveFeaturesAtEachSpilt(const bool removeFeaturesAtEachSpilt) | RandomForests | |
setTrainingLoggingEnabled(const bool loggingEnabled) | MLBase | |
setTrainingMode(const UINT trainingMode) | RandomForests | |
setUseValidationSet(const bool useValidationSet) | MLBase | |
setValidationSetSize(const UINT validationSetSize) | MLBase | |
setWarningLoggingEnabled(const bool loggingEnabled) | GRTBase | |
SQR(const Float &x) const (defined in GRTBase) | GRTBase | inlineprotected |
STANDARD_CLASSIFIER_MODE enum value (defined in Classifier) | Classifier | protected |
StringClassifierMap typedef | Classifier | |
supportsNullRejection (defined in Classifier) | Classifier | protected |
testingLog (defined in GRTBase) | GRTBase | protected |
testResultsObserverManager (defined in MLBase) | MLBase | protected |
TIMESERIES_CLASSIFIER_MODE enum value (defined in Classifier) | Classifier | protected |
totalSquaredTrainingError (defined in MLBase) | MLBase | protected |
train(ClassificationData trainingData) | MLBase | virtual |
train(RegressionData trainingData) | MLBase | virtual |
train(TimeSeriesClassificationData trainingData) | MLBase | virtual |
train(ClassificationDataStream trainingData) | MLBase | virtual |
train(UnlabelledData trainingData) | MLBase | virtual |
train(MatrixFloat data) | MLBase | virtual |
train_(ClassificationData &trainingData) | RandomForests | virtual |
Classifier::train_(RegressionData &trainingData) | MLBase | virtual |
Classifier::train_(TimeSeriesClassificationData &trainingData) | MLBase | virtual |
Classifier::train_(ClassificationDataStream &trainingData) | MLBase | virtual |
Classifier::train_(UnlabelledData &trainingData) | MLBase | virtual |
Classifier::train_(MatrixFloat &data) | MLBase | virtual |
trained (defined in MLBase) | MLBase | protected |
trainingLog (defined in GRTBase) | GRTBase | protected |
trainingMode (defined in RandomForests) | RandomForests | protected |
trainingResults (defined in MLBase) | MLBase | protected |
trainingResultsObserverManager (defined in MLBase) | MLBase | protected |
useNullRejection (defined in Classifier) | Classifier | protected |
useScaling (defined in MLBase) | MLBase | protected |
useValidationSet (defined in MLBase) | MLBase | protected |
validationSetAccuracy (defined in MLBase) | MLBase | protected |
validationSetPrecision (defined in MLBase) | MLBase | protected |
validationSetRecall (defined in MLBase) | MLBase | protected |
validationSetSize (defined in MLBase) | MLBase | protected |
warningLog (defined in GRTBase) | GRTBase | protected |
~Classifier(void) | Classifier | virtual |
~GRTBase(void) | GRTBase | virtual |
~MLBase(void) | MLBase | virtual |
~Observer() (defined in Observer< TrainingResult >) | Observer< TrainingResult > | inlinevirtual |
~Observer() (defined in Observer< TestInstanceResult >) | Observer< TestInstanceResult > | inlinevirtual |
~RandomForests(void) | RandomForests | virtual |