GestureRecognitionToolkit  Version: 0.1.0
The Gesture Recognition Toolkit (GRT) is a cross-platform, open-source, c++ machine learning library for real-time gesture recognition.
ThresholdCrossingDetector Class Reference

Public Types

enum  ThresholdCrossingModes {

Public Member Functions

 ThresholdCrossingDetector (UINT analysisMode=RAW_DATA_ANALYSIS_MODE, UINT thresholdCrossingMode=UPPER_THRESHOLD_CROSSING, UINT detectionTimeoutMode=TIMEOUT_COUNTER, Float lowerThreshold=-1, Float upperThreshold=1, Float hysteresisThreshold=0, UINT searchWindowSize=20, UINT searchTimeoutDuration=1000, UINT offsetFilterSize=10)
 ~ThresholdCrossingDetector ()
 ThresholdCrossingDetector (const ThresholdCrossingDetector &rhs)
ThresholdCrossingDetectoroperator= (const ThresholdCrossingDetector &rhs)
bool update (const Float x)
bool reset ()
bool triggerSearchTimeout ()
bool getThresholdCrossingDetected () const
bool getEnableSearch () const
UINT getAnalysisMode () const
UINT getThresholdCrossingMode () const
UINT getSearchWindowSize () const
UINT getOffsetFilterSize () const
UINT getSearchWindowIndex () const
UINT getSearchTimeoutCounter ()
UINT getSearchTimeoutDuration () const
Float getAnalysisValue () const
Float getUpperThreshold () const
Float getLowerThreshold () const
Float getHysteresisThreshold () const
bool setEnableSearch (const bool enableSearch)
bool setAnalysisMode (const UINT analysisMode)
bool setThresholdCrossingMode (const UINT thresholdCrossingMode)
bool setSearchWindowSize (const UINT searchWindowSize)
bool setOffsetFilterSize (const UINT offsetFilterSize)
bool setSearchTimeoutDuration (const UINT searchTimeoutDuration)
bool setDetectionTimeoutMode (const UINT detectionTimeoutMode)
bool setLowerThreshold (const Float lowerThreshold)
bool setUpperThreshold (const Float upperThreshold)
bool setHysteresisThreshold (const Float hysteresisThreshold)

Protected Attributes

Float analysisValue
Float lowerThreshold
Float upperThreshold
Float hysteresisThreshold
bool enableSearch
bool thresholdCrossingDetected
unsigned int analysisMode
unsigned int thresholdCrossingMode
unsigned int detectionTimeoutMode
unsigned int searchTimeoutDuration
unsigned int searchWindowSize
unsigned int searchWindowIndex
unsigned int offsetFilterSize
unsigned int currentSearchState
Timer searchTimeoutCounter
MovingAverageFilter movingAverageFilter
Derivative derivative

Detailed Description

Definition at line 38 of file ThresholdCrossingDetector.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

GRT_BEGIN_NAMESPACE ThresholdCrossingDetector::ThresholdCrossingDetector ( UINT  analysisMode = RAW_DATA_ANALYSIS_MODE,
UINT  detectionTimeoutMode = TIMEOUT_COUNTER,
Float  lowerThreshold = -1,
Float  upperThreshold = 1,
Float  hysteresisThreshold = 0,
UINT  searchWindowSize = 20,
UINT  searchTimeoutDuration = 1000,
UINT  offsetFilterSize = 10 

Default Constructor.

analysisModesets the algorithm used to detect threshold crossings, this should be one of the AnalysisMode enums
thresholdCrossingModesets the threshold crossing mode, this should be one of the ThresholdCrossingModes enums
lowerThresholdsets the lower threshold level
upperThresholdsets the upper threshold level
searchWindowSizesets the size of the search window used to detect UPPER_THEN_LOWER_THRESHOLD_CROSSING or LOWER_THEN_UPPER_THRESHOLD_CROSSING
searchTimeoutDurationsets the duration (in samples) that the threshold detector will ignore any new threshold crossings after detecting a valid threshold crossing
offsetFilterSizesets the size of the moving average filter used to offset the input value (if the analysisMode is set to MOVING_OFFSET_ANALYSIS_MODE)

Definition at line 25 of file ThresholdCrossingDetector.cpp.

ThresholdCrossingDetector::~ThresholdCrossingDetector ( )

Default Destructor.

Definition at line 65 of file ThresholdCrossingDetector.cpp.

ThresholdCrossingDetector::ThresholdCrossingDetector ( const ThresholdCrossingDetector rhs)

Copy Constructor. Copies the data from the rhs instance to this instance.

constThresholdCrossingDetector &rhs: the right hand instance from which the data will be copied to this instance

Definition at line 46 of file ThresholdCrossingDetector.cpp.

Member Function Documentation

UINT ThresholdCrossingDetector::getAnalysisMode ( ) const
returns the current analysis mode, this will be one of the AnalysisModes enums

Definition at line 282 of file ThresholdCrossingDetector.cpp.

Float ThresholdCrossingDetector::getAnalysisValue ( ) const
gets the most recent analysis value used to compute the threshold crossing

Definition at line 310 of file ThresholdCrossingDetector.cpp.

bool ThresholdCrossingDetector::getEnableSearch ( ) const
returns true if the search is enabled, false otherwise

Definition at line 278 of file ThresholdCrossingDetector.cpp.

Float ThresholdCrossingDetector::getHysteresisThreshold ( ) const
gets the hysteresis threshold value

Definition at line 322 of file ThresholdCrossingDetector.cpp.

Float ThresholdCrossingDetector::getLowerThreshold ( ) const
gets the lower threshold value

Definition at line 318 of file ThresholdCrossingDetector.cpp.

UINT ThresholdCrossingDetector::getOffsetFilterSize ( ) const
returns the size of the moving average filter used to offset the input value, this is only used if the analysisMode is MOVING_OFFSET_ANALYSIS_MODE

Definition at line 294 of file ThresholdCrossingDetector.cpp.

UINT ThresholdCrossingDetector::getSearchTimeoutCounter ( )
gets the current search timeout counter value

Definition at line 302 of file ThresholdCrossingDetector.cpp.

UINT ThresholdCrossingDetector::getSearchTimeoutDuration ( ) const
gets the search timeout duration

Definition at line 306 of file ThresholdCrossingDetector.cpp.

UINT ThresholdCrossingDetector::getSearchWindowIndex ( ) const
gets the current index in the search window when the algorithm is looking for the second threshold crossing for UPPER_THEN_LOWER_THRESHOLD_CROSSING or LOWER_THEN_UPPER_THRESHOLD_CROSSING

Definition at line 298 of file ThresholdCrossingDetector.cpp.

UINT ThresholdCrossingDetector::getSearchWindowSize ( ) const
returns the search window size, this is only used if the thresholdCrossingMode is UPPER_THEN_LOWER_THRESHOLD_CROSSING or LOWER_THEN_UPPER_THRESHOLD_CROSSING

Definition at line 290 of file ThresholdCrossingDetector.cpp.

bool ThresholdCrossingDetector::getThresholdCrossingDetected ( ) const

This function returns true if a threshold crossing was detected during the last update.

returns true if a threshold crossing was detected, false otherwise

Definition at line 274 of file ThresholdCrossingDetector.cpp.

UINT ThresholdCrossingDetector::getThresholdCrossingMode ( ) const
returns the current threshold crossing mode being used, this will be one of the ThresholdCrossingModes enums

Definition at line 286 of file ThresholdCrossingDetector.cpp.

Float ThresholdCrossingDetector::getUpperThreshold ( ) const
gets the upper threshold value

Definition at line 314 of file ThresholdCrossingDetector.cpp.

ThresholdCrossingDetector & ThresholdCrossingDetector::operator= ( const ThresholdCrossingDetector rhs)

Equals Operator. Copies the data from the rhs instance to this instance.

rhsthe right hand instance from which the data will be copied to this instance
returns a reference to this instance

Definition at line 69 of file ThresholdCrossingDetector.cpp.

bool ThresholdCrossingDetector::reset ( )

This function resets the threshold crossing detector.

returns true if the threshold crossing detector was reset, false otherwise

Definition at line 248 of file ThresholdCrossingDetector.cpp.

bool ThresholdCrossingDetector::setAnalysisMode ( const UINT  analysisMode)

Sets the anlysis mode used to detect threshold crossings. This should be one of the AnalysisModes enums.

constUINT analysisMode: the new analysisMode
returns true if the parameter was updated, false otherwise

Definition at line 331 of file ThresholdCrossingDetector.cpp.

bool ThresholdCrossingDetector::setDetectionTimeoutMode ( const UINT  detectionTimeoutMode)

Sets the detectionTimeoutMode, this controls how the detection algorithm triggers detection timeouts after a threshold crossing has been detected. If the detectionTimeoutMode is TIMEOUT_COUNTER then the detection algorithm will wait for until the searchTimeoutDuration before searching for the next threshold crossing. Alternatively, if the detectionTimeoutMode is HYSTERESIS_THRESHOLD then the detection algorithm will wait for the analysis signal to pass the hysteresisThreshold (regardless of the time this takes) before searching for a new threshold crossing.

constUINT searchTimeoutDuration: the new searchTimeoutDuration
returns true if the parameter was updated, false otherwise

Definition at line 341 of file ThresholdCrossingDetector.cpp.

bool ThresholdCrossingDetector::setEnableSearch ( const bool  enableSearch)

Sets if the algorithm can perform the threshold crossing search. If enableSearch is set to false, then the algorithm will never search for a threshold crossing.

constbool enableSearch: the new enableSearch mode
returns true if the parameter was updated, false otherwise

Definition at line 326 of file ThresholdCrossingDetector.cpp.

bool ThresholdCrossingDetector::setHysteresisThreshold ( const Float  hysteresisThreshold)

Sets the hysteresisThreshold value, this threshold is used to debounce triggers if the detectionTimeoutMode is set to HYSTERESIS_THRESHOLD.

hysteresisThresholdthe new hysteresisThreshold
returns true if the parameter was updated, false otherwise

Definition at line 371 of file ThresholdCrossingDetector.cpp.

bool ThresholdCrossingDetector::setLowerThreshold ( const Float  lowerThreshold)

Sets the lowerThreshold value, this lower threshold that must be crossed to trigger a LOWER_THRESHOLD_CROSSING.

lowerThresholdthe new lowerThreshold
returns true if the parameter was updated, false otherwise

Definition at line 361 of file ThresholdCrossingDetector.cpp.

bool ThresholdCrossingDetector::setOffsetFilterSize ( const UINT  offsetFilterSize)

Sets the size of the moving average filter used to offset the input data. This is only used if the analysisMode is MOVING_OFFSET_ANALYSIS_MODE.

constUINT offsetFilterSize: the new offsetFilterSize
returns true if the parameter was updated, false otherwise

Definition at line 351 of file ThresholdCrossingDetector.cpp.

bool ThresholdCrossingDetector::setSearchTimeoutDuration ( const UINT  searchTimeoutDuration)

Sets the searchTimeoutDuration, this is the time (in milliseconds) that will be ignored after a threshold crossing has been detected.

constUINT searchTimeoutDuration: the new searchTimeoutDuration in milliseconds
returns true if the parameter was updated, false otherwise

Definition at line 356 of file ThresholdCrossingDetector.cpp.

bool ThresholdCrossingDetector::setSearchWindowSize ( const UINT  searchWindowSize)

Sets the searchWindowSize. This is the number of samples the algorithm will search for a second threshold crossing after the first threshold crossing has been found (in the UPPER_THEN_LOWER_THRESHOLD_CROSSING or LOWER_THEN_UPPER_THRESHOLD_CROSSING modes).

constUINT searchWindowSize: the new searchWindowSize
returns true if the parameter was updated, false otherwise

Definition at line 346 of file ThresholdCrossingDetector.cpp.

bool ThresholdCrossingDetector::setThresholdCrossingMode ( const UINT  thresholdCrossingMode)

Sets the threshold crossing mode used to detect threshold crossings. This should be one of the ThresholdCrossingModes enums.

constUINT thresholdCrossingMode: the new thresholdCrossingMode
returns true if the parameter was updated, false otherwise

Definition at line 336 of file ThresholdCrossingDetector.cpp.

bool ThresholdCrossingDetector::setUpperThreshold ( const Float  upperThreshold)

Sets the upperThreshold value, this upper threshold that must be crossed to trigger a UPPER_THRESHOLD_CROSSING.

upperThresholdthe new upperThreshold
returns true if the parameter was updated, false otherwise

Definition at line 366 of file ThresholdCrossingDetector.cpp.

bool ThresholdCrossingDetector::triggerSearchTimeout ( )

This function triggers a search timeout (i.e. the algorithm will stop searching for the next N samples, where N = searchTimeoutDuration).

returns true if the search timeout was triggered, false otherwise

Definition at line 268 of file ThresholdCrossingDetector.cpp.

bool ThresholdCrossingDetector::update ( const Float  x)

This is the main update interface, you should call this every time you get a new sample from your sensor.

xthe new value that will be pushed through the threshold crossing algorithm
returns true if a threshold crossing was detected, false otherwise

Definition at line 91 of file ThresholdCrossingDetector.cpp.

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