GestureRecognitionToolkit  Version: 0.1.0
The Gesture Recognition Toolkit (GRT) is a cross-platform, open-source, c++ machine learning library for real-time gesture recognition.
Classifier Class Reference
Inheritance diagram for Classifier:
MLBase GRTBase Observer< TrainingResult > Observer< TestInstanceResult > AdaBoost ANBC BAG DecisionTree DTW FiniteStateMachine GMM HMM KNN LDA MinDist ParticleClassifier RandomForests RegisterClassifierModule< T > RegisterClassifierModule< AdaBoost > RegisterClassifierModule< ANBC > RegisterClassifierModule< BAG > RegisterClassifierModule< DecisionTree > RegisterClassifierModule< DTW > RegisterClassifierModule< FiniteStateMachine > RegisterClassifierModule< GMM > RegisterClassifierModule< HMM > RegisterClassifierModule< KNN > RegisterClassifierModule< MinDist > RegisterClassifierModule< ParticleClassifier > RegisterClassifierModule< RandomForests > RegisterClassifierModule< Softmax > RegisterClassifierModule< SVM > RegisterClassifierModule< SwipeDetector > Softmax SVM SwipeDetector

Public Types

typedef std::map< std::string, Classifier *(*)() > StringClassifierMap
- Public Types inherited from MLBase

Public Member Functions

 Classifier (void)
virtual ~Classifier (void)
virtual bool deepCopyFrom (const Classifier *classifier)
bool copyBaseVariables (const Classifier *classifier)
virtual bool reset ()
virtual bool clear ()
std::string getClassifierType () const
bool getSupportsNullRejection () const
bool getNullRejectionEnabled () const
Float getNullRejectionCoeff () const
Float getMaximumLikelihood () const
Float getBestDistance () const
Float getPhase () const
virtual UINT getNumClasses () const
UINT getClassLabelIndexValue (UINT classLabel) const
UINT getPredictedClassLabel () const
VectorFloat getClassLikelihoods () const
VectorFloat getClassDistances () const
VectorFloat getNullRejectionThresholds () const
Vector< UINT > getClassLabels () const
Vector< MinMaxgetRanges () const
bool enableNullRejection (bool useNullRejection)
virtual bool setNullRejectionCoeff (Float nullRejectionCoeff)
virtual bool setNullRejectionThresholds (VectorFloat newRejectionThresholds)
virtual bool recomputeNullRejectionThresholds ()
bool getTimeseriesCompatible () const
ClassifiercreateNewInstance () const
ClassifierdeepCopy () const
const ClassifiergetClassifierPointer () const
const ClassifiergetBaseClassifier () const
- Public Member Functions inherited from MLBase
 MLBase (void)
virtual ~MLBase (void)
bool copyMLBaseVariables (const MLBase *mlBase)
virtual bool train (ClassificationData trainingData)
virtual bool train_ (ClassificationData &trainingData)
virtual bool train (RegressionData trainingData)
virtual bool train_ (RegressionData &trainingData)
virtual bool train (TimeSeriesClassificationData trainingData)
virtual bool train_ (TimeSeriesClassificationData &trainingData)
virtual bool train (ClassificationDataStream trainingData)
virtual bool train_ (ClassificationDataStream &trainingData)
virtual bool train (UnlabelledData trainingData)
virtual bool train_ (UnlabelledData &trainingData)
virtual bool train (MatrixFloat data)
virtual bool train_ (MatrixFloat &data)
virtual bool predict (VectorFloat inputVector)
virtual bool predict_ (VectorFloat &inputVector)
virtual bool predict (MatrixFloat inputMatrix)
virtual bool predict_ (MatrixFloat &inputMatrix)
virtual bool map (VectorFloat inputVector)
virtual bool map_ (VectorFloat &inputVector)
virtual bool print () const
virtual bool save (const std::string filename) const
virtual bool load (const std::string filename)
virtual bool saveModelToFile (std::string filename) const
virtual bool saveModelToFile (std::fstream &file) const
virtual bool loadModelFromFile (std::string filename)
virtual bool loadModelFromFile (std::fstream &file)
virtual bool getModel (std::ostream &stream) const
Float scale (const Float &x, const Float &minSource, const Float &maxSource, const Float &minTarget, const Float &maxTarget, const bool constrain=false)
virtual std::string getModelAsString () const
DataType getInputType () const
DataType getOutputType () const
UINT getBaseType () const
UINT getNumInputFeatures () const
UINT getNumInputDimensions () const
UINT getNumOutputDimensions () const
UINT getMinNumEpochs () const
UINT getMaxNumEpochs () const
UINT getValidationSetSize () const
UINT getNumTrainingIterationsToConverge () const
Float getMinChange () const
Float getLearningRate () const
Float getRootMeanSquaredTrainingError () const
Float getTotalSquaredTrainingError () const
Float getValidationSetAccuracy () const
VectorFloat getValidationSetPrecision () const
VectorFloat getValidationSetRecall () const
bool getUseValidationSet () const
bool getRandomiseTrainingOrder () const
bool getTrained () const
bool getModelTrained () const
bool getScalingEnabled () const
bool getIsBaseTypeClassifier () const
bool getIsBaseTypeRegressifier () const
bool getIsBaseTypeClusterer () const
bool enableScaling (const bool useScaling)
bool setMaxNumEpochs (const UINT maxNumEpochs)
bool setMinNumEpochs (const UINT minNumEpochs)
bool setMinChange (const Float minChange)
bool setLearningRate (const Float learningRate)
bool setUseValidationSet (const bool useValidationSet)
bool setValidationSetSize (const UINT validationSetSize)
bool setRandomiseTrainingOrder (const bool randomiseTrainingOrder)
bool setTrainingLoggingEnabled (const bool loggingEnabled)
bool registerTrainingResultsObserver (Observer< TrainingResult > &observer)
bool registerTestResultsObserver (Observer< TestInstanceResult > &observer)
bool removeTrainingResultsObserver (const Observer< TrainingResult > &observer)
bool removeTestResultsObserver (const Observer< TestInstanceResult > &observer)
bool removeAllTrainingObservers ()
bool removeAllTestObservers ()
bool notifyTrainingResultsObservers (const TrainingResult &data)
bool notifyTestResultsObservers (const TestInstanceResult &data)
MLBasegetMLBasePointer ()
const MLBasegetMLBasePointer () const
Vector< TrainingResult > getTrainingResults () const
- Public Member Functions inherited from GRTBase
 GRTBase (void)
virtual ~GRTBase (void)
bool copyGRTBaseVariables (const GRTBase *GRTBase)
std::string getClassType () const
std::string getLastWarningMessage () const
std::string getLastErrorMessage () const
std::string getLastInfoMessage () const
bool setInfoLoggingEnabled (const bool loggingEnabled)
bool setWarningLoggingEnabled (const bool loggingEnabled)
bool setErrorLoggingEnabled (const bool loggingEnabled)
GRTBasegetGRTBasePointer ()
const GRTBasegetGRTBasePointer () const
- Public Member Functions inherited from Observer< TrainingResult >
virtual void notify (const TrainingResult &data)
- Public Member Functions inherited from Observer< TestInstanceResult >
virtual void notify (const TestInstanceResult &data)

Static Public Member Functions

static ClassifiercreateInstanceFromString (std::string const &classifierType)
static Vector< std::string > getRegisteredClassifiers ()
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from GRTBase
static std::string getGRTVersion (bool returnRevision=true)
static std::string getGRTRevison ()

Protected Types


Protected Member Functions

bool saveBaseSettingsToFile (std::fstream &file) const
bool loadBaseSettingsFromFile (std::fstream &file)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from MLBase
bool saveBaseSettingsToFile (std::fstream &file) const
bool loadBaseSettingsFromFile (std::fstream &file)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from GRTBase
Float SQR (const Float &x) const

Static Protected Member Functions

static StringClassifierMapgetMap ()

Protected Attributes

std::string classifierType
bool supportsNullRejection
bool useNullRejection
UINT numClasses
UINT predictedClassLabel
UINT classifierMode
Float nullRejectionCoeff
Float maxLikelihood
Float bestDistance
Float phase
VectorFloat classLikelihoods
VectorFloat classDistances
VectorFloat nullRejectionThresholds
Vector< UINT > classLabels
Vector< MinMaxranges
- Protected Attributes inherited from MLBase
bool trained
bool useScaling
DataType inputType
DataType outputType
UINT baseType
UINT numInputDimensions
UINT numOutputDimensions
UINT numTrainingIterationsToConverge
UINT minNumEpochs
UINT maxNumEpochs
UINT validationSetSize
Float learningRate
Float minChange
Float rootMeanSquaredTrainingError
Float totalSquaredTrainingError
Float validationSetAccuracy
bool useValidationSet
bool randomiseTrainingOrder
VectorFloat validationSetPrecision
VectorFloat validationSetRecall
Random random
std::vector< TrainingResult > trainingResults
TrainingResultsObserverManager trainingResultsObserverManager
TestResultsObserverManager testResultsObserverManager
- Protected Attributes inherited from GRTBase
std::string classType
DebugLog debugLog
ErrorLog errorLog
InfoLog infoLog
TrainingLog trainingLog
TestingLog testingLog
WarningLog warningLog

Detailed Description

Definition at line 41 of file Classifier.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

typedef std::map< std::string, Classifier*(*)() > Classifier::StringClassifierMap

Defines a map between a string (which will contain the name of the classifier, such as ANBC) and a function returns a new instance of that classifier

Definition at line 248 of file Classifier.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

Classifier::Classifier ( void  )

Default Classifier Constructor

Definition at line 68 of file Classifier.cpp.

Classifier::~Classifier ( void  )

Default Classifier Destructor

Definition at line 85 of file Classifier.cpp.

Member Function Documentation

bool Classifier::clear ( )

This function clears the classifier module, removing any trained model and setting all the base variables to their default values.

returns true if the derived class was cleared succesfully, false otherwise

Reimplemented from MLBase.

Reimplemented in DTW, HMM, FiniteStateMachine, AdaBoost, ANBC, SVM, KNN, RandomForests, DecisionTree, BAG, GMM, ParticleClassifier, MinDist, Softmax, and SwipeDetector.

Definition at line 141 of file Classifier.cpp.

bool Classifier::copyBaseVariables ( const Classifier classifier)

This copies the Classifier base class variables from the classifier pointer to this instance.

classifiera pointer to a classifier from which the values will be copied to this instance
returns true if the copy was successfull, false otherwise

Definition at line 92 of file Classifier.cpp.

Classifier * Classifier::createInstanceFromString ( std::string const &  classifierType)

Creates a new classifier instance based on the input string (which should contain the name of a valid classifier such as ANBC).

classifierTypethe name of the classifier
Classifier*: a pointer to the new instance of the classifier

Definition at line 28 of file Classifier.cpp.

Classifier * Classifier::createNewInstance ( ) const

Creates a new classifier instance based on the current classifierType string value.

Classifier*: a pointer to the new instance of the classifier

Definition at line 36 of file Classifier.cpp.

Classifier * Classifier::deepCopy ( ) const

This creates a new Classifier instance and deep copies the variables and models from this instance into the deep copy. The function will then return a pointer to the new instance. It is up to the user who calls this function to delete the dynamic instance when they are finished using it.

returns a pointer to a new Classifier instance which is a deep copy of this instance

Definition at line 40 of file Classifier.cpp.

virtual bool Classifier::deepCopyFrom ( const Classifier classifier)

This is the base deep copy function for the Classifier modules. This function should be overwritten by the derived class. This deep copies the variables and models from the classifier pointer to this classifier instance.

classifiera pointer to the Classifier base class, this should be pointing to another instance of a matching derived class
returns true if the clone was successfull, false otherwise (the Classifier base class will always return flase)

Reimplemented in DTW, AdaBoost, SVM, LDA, KNN, RandomForests, DecisionTree, ANBC, HMM, GMM, BAG, MinDist, Softmax, SwipeDetector, FiniteStateMachine, and ParticleClassifier.

Definition at line 61 of file Classifier.h.

bool Classifier::enableNullRejection ( bool  useNullRejection)

Sets if the classifier should use nullRejection.

If set to true then the classifier will reject a predicted class label if the likelihood of the prediction is below (or above depending on the algorithm) the models rejectionThreshold. If a prediction is rejected then the default null class label of 0 will be returned. If set to false then the classifier will simply return the most likely predicted class.

returns true if nullRejection was updated successfully, false otherwise

Definition at line 230 of file Classifier.cpp.

const Classifier & Classifier::getBaseClassifier ( ) const

Returns a pointer to this classifier. This is useful for a derived class so it can get easy access to this base classifier.

Classifier&: a reference to this classifier

Definition at line 251 of file Classifier.cpp.

Float Classifier::getBestDistance ( ) const

Returns the current bestDistance value. The bestDistance value is computed during the prediction phase and is either the minimum or maximum distance, depending on the algorithm. This value will return 0 if a prediction has not been made.

returns the current bestDistance value

Definition at line 185 of file Classifier.cpp.

VectorFloat Classifier::getClassDistances ( ) const

Gets a Vector of the class distances from the last prediction, this will be an N-dimensional Vector, where N is the number of classes in the model. The exact form of these distances depends on the classification algorithm.

returns a Vector of the class distances from the last prediction, an empty Vector will be returned if the model has not been trained

Definition at line 212 of file Classifier.cpp.

const Classifier * Classifier::getClassifierPointer ( ) const

Returns a pointer to the classifier.

returns a pointer the current classifier

Definition at line 53 of file Classifier.cpp.

std::string Classifier::getClassifierType ( ) const

Returns the classifier type as a string.

returns the classifier type as a string

Definition at line 160 of file Classifier.cpp.

UINT Classifier::getClassLabelIndexValue ( UINT  classLabel) const

Gets the index of the query classLabel in the classLabels Vector. If the query classLabel does not exist in the classLabels Vector then the function will return zero.

classLabelthe query classLabel
returns index of the query classLabel in the classLabels Vector

Definition at line 194 of file Classifier.cpp.

Vector< UINT > Classifier::getClassLabels ( ) const

Gets a Vector containing the label each class represents, this will be an N-dimensional Vector, where N is the number of classes in the model. This is useful if the model was trained with non-monotonically class labels (i.e. class labels such as [1, 3, 6, 9, 12] instead of [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]).

returns a Vector containing the class labels for each class, an empty Vector will be returned if the model has not been trained

Definition at line 222 of file Classifier.cpp.

VectorFloat Classifier::getClassLikelihoods ( ) const

Gets a Vector of the class likelihoods from the last prediction, this will be an N-dimensional Vector, where N is the number of classes in the model. The exact form of these likelihoods depends on the classification algorithm.

returns a Vector of the class likelihoods from the last prediction, an empty Vector will be returned if the model has not been trained

Definition at line 207 of file Classifier.cpp.

Float Classifier::getMaximumLikelihood ( ) const

Returns the current maximumLikelihood value. The maximumLikelihood value is computed during the prediction phase and is the likelihood of the most likely model. This value will return 0 if a prediction has not been made.

returns the current maximumLikelihood value

Definition at line 176 of file Classifier.cpp.

Float Classifier::getNullRejectionCoeff ( ) const

Returns the current nullRejectionCoeff value. The nullRejectionCoeff parameter is a multipler controlling the null rejection threshold for each class.

returns the current nullRejectionCoeff value

Definition at line 172 of file Classifier.cpp.

bool Classifier::getNullRejectionEnabled ( ) const

Returns true if nullRejection is enabled.

returns true if nullRejection is enabled, false otherwise

Definition at line 168 of file Classifier.cpp.

VectorFloat Classifier::getNullRejectionThresholds ( ) const

Gets a Vector containing the null rejection thresholds for each class, this will be an N-dimensional Vector, where N is the number of classes in the model.

returns a Vector containing the null rejection thresholds for each class, an empty Vector will be returned if the model has not been trained

Definition at line 217 of file Classifier.cpp.

UINT Classifier::getNumClasses ( ) const

Gets the number of classes in trained model.

returns the number of classes in the trained model, a value of 0 will be returned if the model has not been trained

Reimplemented in SVM.

Definition at line 190 of file Classifier.cpp.

Float Classifier::getPhase ( ) const

This function returns the estimated gesture phase from the most recent prediction. This value is only relevant if the classifier supports timeseries classification.

Float representing the gesture phase value from the most likely class from the most recent prediction

Definition at line 181 of file Classifier.cpp.

UINT Classifier::getPredictedClassLabel ( ) const

Gets the predicted class label from the last prediction.

returns the label of the last predicted class, a value of 0 will be returned if the model has not been trained

Definition at line 202 of file Classifier.cpp.

Vector< MinMax > Classifier::getRanges ( ) const

Gets a Vector of the ranges used to scale the data for training and prediction, these ranges are only used if the classifier has been trained with the #useScaling flag set to true. This should be an N-dimensional Vector, where N is the number of features in your data.

returns a Vector containing the ranges used to scale the data for classification, an empty Vector will be returned if the model has not been trained

Definition at line 226 of file Classifier.cpp.

Vector< std::string > Classifier::getRegisteredClassifiers ( )

Returns a Vector of the names of all classifiers that have been registered with the base classifier.

Vector< string >: a Vector containing the names of the classifiers that have been registered with the base classifier

Definition at line 57 of file Classifier.cpp.

bool Classifier::getSupportsNullRejection ( ) const

Returns true if the classifier instance supports null rejection, false otherwise.

returns true if the classifier instance supports null rejection, false otherwise

Definition at line 164 of file Classifier.cpp.

bool Classifier::getTimeseriesCompatible ( ) const

Indicates if the classifier can be used to classify timeseries data. If true then the classifier can accept training data in the LabelledTimeSeriesClassificationData format.

return returns true if the classifier can be used to classify timeseries data, false otherwise

Definition at line 243 of file Classifier.h.

bool Classifier::loadBaseSettingsFromFile ( std::fstream &  file)

Loads the core base settings from a file.

returns true if the base settings were loaded, false otherwise

Definition at line 302 of file Classifier.cpp.

virtual bool Classifier::recomputeNullRejectionThresholds ( )

Recomputes the null rejection thresholds for each model.

returns true if the nullRejectionThresholds were updated successfully, false otherwise

Reimplemented in DTW, AdaBoost, ANBC, KNN, GMM, MinDist, and DecisionTree.

Definition at line 235 of file Classifier.h.

bool Classifier::reset ( )

This resets the classifier. This overrides the reset function in the MLBase base class.

returns true if the classifier was reset, false otherwise

Reimplemented from MLBase.

Reimplemented in DTW, HMM, FiniteStateMachine, ParticleClassifier, ANBC, SwipeDetector, and BAG.

Definition at line 122 of file Classifier.cpp.

bool Classifier::saveBaseSettingsToFile ( std::fstream &  file) const

Saves the core base settings to a file.

returns true if the base settings were saved, false otherwise

Definition at line 255 of file Classifier.cpp.

bool Classifier::setNullRejectionCoeff ( Float  nullRejectionCoeff)

Sets the nullRejectionCoeff, this is a multipler controlling the null rejection threshold for each class.

returns true if nullRejectionCoeff was updated successfully, false otherwise

Reimplemented in KNN, AdaBoost, and MinDist.

Definition at line 235 of file Classifier.cpp.

bool Classifier::setNullRejectionThresholds ( VectorFloat  newRejectionThresholds)

Manually sets the nullRejectionThresholds, these are the thresholds used for null rejection for each class. This needs to be called after the model has been trained. Calling the setNullRejectionCoeff or recomputeNullRejectionThresholds functions will override these values. The size of the newRejectionThresholds Vector must match the number of classes in the model.

newRejectionThresholdsthe new rejection thresholds
returns true if nullRejectionThresholds were updated successfully, false otherwise

Definition at line 243 of file Classifier.cpp.

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