GestureRecognitionToolkit  Version: 0.1.0
The Gesture Recognition Toolkit (GRT) is a cross-platform, open-source, c++ machine learning library for real-time gesture recognition.
Deprecated List
Member CircularBuffer< T >::GRT_DEPRECATED_MSG ("Use getData() instead!", std::vector< T > getDataAsVector() const )
This function is now deprecated, you should use getData instead! Gets all the data in the buffer as a std::vector.
Member ClassificationData::eraseAllSamplesWithClassLabel (const UINT classLabel)
This function is now depreciated! You should use removeClass(const UINT classLabel) instead.
Member GestureRecognitionPipeline::GRT_DEPRECATED_MSG ("use clear() instead.", bool clearAll())
This function is now deprecated, you should use clear() instead! Removes everything from the pipeline.
Member Matrix< T >::setAllValues (const T &value)
This function is now depreciated! You should use setAll(const T &value) instead.